Tag Archives: Jailbreak

[iOS] iPhone 4 and the iOS 6.x firmwares


You are using an iPhone 4 and you coincidentally updated to iOS 6.1.3, which cannot be jailbroken at the moment. Since you saved the SHSH blobs you think you can restore by doing a replay APTicket attack with TinyUmbrella or Cydia. Sadly iTunes shows errors like 1600, 1601, 1602, 1604 etc.

If you have an iPhone 4s or iPhone5 you can stop reading here. This article will not be able to help you. The iDevices with an A5 CPU or later cannot be downgraded with replay attacks at the moment. Continue reading

[iOS] Top Ten Cydia Apps

This Top Ten List is the MetaParadigma’s Editor’s choice of Apps available solely thru Cydia. Cydia is the alternative software distribution platform available to users, who have jailbroken their iDevices.

So you may ask: why jailbreaking anyway? Ain’t there enough software on the App Store?

Well, let’s answer this with another question: do you wanna have a fancy Gameboy like smartfone, for which Apple decides what allowed to be installed do you wanna have a handy pocket computer which you can configure completely?

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[iOS] Apps Crashing iOS 5.01


You’re running a jailbroken iOS 5.01 on an iPad 2 and you cannot use Firewall iP. Installing Firewall iP shows no indication of errors, but when you try to start it, it just splashes shortly and closes instantly. This behaviour is known to some more applications (like Safari or Mail).


It looks like incompatible iOS Apps are responsible for that behaviour. At the moment there seems to be no known approach to find out which app causes issues, but trial and error.

Step 1. Preparations

  • connect your iDevice to iTunes (cable preferred, WiFi may take forever)
  • login and authorize iTunes on this Mac/PC

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[iOS] Finding Information About Crashed Apps

Crashes and system freezes have become an exception nowadays. However, they still do occur. Here we show you two ways of accessing detailed log information on your iOS devices.

1. Finding Logs inside of iOS

This approach does not require a jailbreak. Inside the filesystem you may find logs here:

  • Settings
    » General
    » About
    » Diagnostics and Usage
    » Diagnostics and Usage Data
    » LatestCrash.plist

To make things easy you can just select the whole text and copy it to an email. Et voilà: developers will love you for having helped them…

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[PS3] Firmware 3.42 Breaks Jailbreaks

Sony tries to rearm their game console flagship. Most of you using your Playstations will likely have found out: since the end of last week Sony broadcasts a new firmware 3.42. They say it fixes security issues, which not quite wrong. But do we wanna have this issue fixed?

At the moment for online players there doesn’t seem to exist any other possibility but updating, so be aware you’re gonna lose root access to your fav console and it will possibly not come back anytime soon.

For all the others playing once in a while and mostly offline: just don’t update. We really suppose something is being worked on in the background to allow updating and not losing root access, but let’s see. Sony’s fighting with two armies: the army of technicians, and the army of darkness: they got aweful lawyers also out there ;-)

[Pre] Palm Pre Jailbreaks PS3

A coder going under the nick “black_zero” ported the PS3 jailbreak to the Palm Pre. Find his instructions for “PS3 Freedom for Palm Pre” on the PSX-Scene.com.

[Update] In contrast to “PS3 Groove” this version also seems to enable the possibility of backups – means circumventing of copy protections. It is legally not allowed to apply this in most european countries and the U.S.

Our Comment

Sony’s protection has been compromised, no matter what they’re gonna do in the future. It is likely that there will be an update soon to stop the stack overflows in the USB code. But it won’t help them anymore.

The reason is simple: Sony will not be able to make that insecure system secure again. Because of the jailbreak the PS3 now allows accessing all features. That means that any update to come will be decrypted first, analyzed, modified to re-enable debug backdoors and then installed with all the debug features enabled again. Custom modified firmwares are the next logical step.

So although this seems to be good news for the homebrew scene, since there is hope now for a universal media center based on the PS3, the downside is still that some versions of the jailbreak also enable to play illegal backups.And since Sony’s biz model is selling licenses and games they will fight the jailbreak by trying to detect it and to block jailbroken devices from accessing the Playstation Network. And this means: permanent updates. For people playing a lot this will not be an option as they will have to wait again and again for custom firmwares that are likely to not work very long.

In the meantime check the Palm Pre vid:

[PS3] PSGroove: Open Source PS3 Jailbreak Released

As expected an open source version of the PS3 Jailbreak has been released by french hackers Mathieulh and RichDevX. Find the source code here. Support for PS3Jailbreak’s backup manager which would technically allow piracy, has thus been disabled as this implementation targets at homebrew only.

The exploit is intended to be burnt to AT90USB and related microcontrollers like:

  • AT90USB162
  • AT90USB646
  • AT90USB647
  • AT90USB1286
  • AT90USB1287
  • ATMEGA32U4

PS3-Hacks.com now provide compiled binary files ready to be flashed to ATMEGA USB sticks. Tutorials and manuals for all John Does among us are likely to surface within the next few days.

Congratulations to Mathieulh and RichDevX.

[PS3] Hacking the Hackers: PS Jailbreak Reverse Engineered

German Gamefreax claim to have reverse engineered a testing PSJailbreak device. They say this exploit is based on emulating of a USB hub which gets virtual devices attached and unattached at certain points during the boot process.

Among those emulated devices there is also one that uses the ID of Sony’s JIG module. Anyway Gamefreax claim this hack is based on a self developed exploit. Dumped files that might support this claim are not available at this moment…

Picture snippet of USB Stream is courtesy of Gamefreax.de

[PS3] PS Jailbreak and Clones To Be Released

Media have widely reported about the latest steps in hacking the Playstation 3 console. Obviously that tiny PS Jailbreak USB Dongle turns a consumer PS3 into a debug PS3, thus allowing to run games from the internal or from an attached USB harddrive. The price is said to be around 160US$. For legal reasons here in Germany we can’t like to PS Jailbreak supplyers.

Now PS3Hax.net reports that using PS Jailbreak on Sony’s Playstation Network is very likely to result in being banned:

According to SKFUand RichDevX, the Backup manager game ID (LAUN-12345) could be logged/recorded by Sony when logged into PSN (when online). This would obviously allow Sony to see who would be using the illegal PSjb/clone and we could very well see ban waves similar to the Xbox 360. Sony does currently ban PSN/consoles that results in the 8002A227 error code.

Redmondpie.com reports that latest rumors indicate that there are also chinese clones of the PS3 Jailbreak called X3Jailbreak on their way, priced at 40$.

It seems like the PS3 hacking as a business model is out of date even before it started. We suspect it it won’t take long until a free open source solution will be available on the net aswell…