Tag Archives: crash

[Ableton] Repairing Defective ALS Files Manually



What happened?

  • many avoidable (stupid) situations arise from hectic rush: we for instance accidentally deleted an ableton set (.ALS file extension) from a local NAS server
  • without going too deep into detail: since we don’t have a RAID based NAS we could recover (some parts of) the desired .als file by putting the NAS’ drive into an old PC and restored the found data with UFS/XFS-Explorer (absolute recommendation) to an external USB drive
  • after loading the recovered ALS file, we encountered the corrupt file error from Ableton


The following article is written by a Mac user, but many (if not all) things should most likely be able to be applied to Windows aswell. Continue reading

[Muzaq] Bitwig Studio Beta: VST Crash Handler

Well, it’s been quite some time now, since Bitwig released a Beta version to selected testers. After Ableton showed us new features for their upcoming release of Ableton Live 9, now Bitwig shows us a new video of their latest development progress in handling VST-plugins.

Now VST Support looks like having become fully integrated with integrated crash protection: when a VST plugin crashs the Bitwig will not crash aswell. Bitwig will instead allow to reload the crashed plugin or even to reload all plugins.

Watch here

Sample Screenshots here



[Muzaq] Workaround for Audacity Crashing


At least on a Mac Audacity seems to have issues when it comes to using third party plugins (i.e. AU or VSTs). To pinpoint which type of plugin is responsible for poor Audacity to crash, you can do the following.

I. Locate Audacity Config File

On a Crapple Mac the audacity.cfg file should be located here:
/Users/<your-username>/Library/Application Support/audacity

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[iOS] Apps Crashing iOS 5.01


You’re running a jailbroken iOS 5.01 on an iPad 2 and you cannot use Firewall iP. Installing Firewall iP shows no indication of errors, but when you try to start it, it just splashes shortly and closes instantly. This behaviour is known to some more applications (like Safari or Mail).


It looks like incompatible iOS Apps are responsible for that behaviour. At the moment there seems to be no known approach to find out which app causes issues, but trial and error.

Step 1. Preparations

  • connect your iDevice to iTunes (cable preferred, WiFi may take forever)
  • login and authorize iTunes on this Mac/PC

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[iOS] Finding Information About Crashed Apps

Crashes and system freezes have become an exception nowadays. However, they still do occur. Here we show you two ways of accessing detailed log information on your iOS devices.

1. Finding Logs inside of iOS

This approach does not require a jailbreak. Inside the filesystem you may find logs here:

  • Settings
    » General
    » About
    » Diagnostics and Usage
    » Diagnostics and Usage Data
    » LatestCrash.plist

To make things easy you can just select the whole text and copy it to an email. Et voilà: developers will love you for having helped them…

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[iPad] Fuel.TV Replacing Skateboard With iPad

Soon after they bought the iPad they found out it hasn’t got any usable interfaces, so it seems unusable as a notebook replacement, but it makes up as a skateboard replacement pretty well.

See for yourself: Fuel.TV’s latest episode of Built To Shred. And hey: please don’t do that at home, this might void your warranty ;-)

New iPad Test – Will It Shred? from FUEL TV on Vimeo.

[MacOS] 10.6.2 Update Released – Intel Atoms Killed

Apple’s 10.6.2 update closes lots of security holes that could be used to compromise systems. Safari, iWork, iLife, Aperture, Final Cut Studio, and some other apps are rumored to be working more reliable after updating.

Apple pwns back

For OSX86 users on netbooks this update is far away from being recommended at the moment. The update now has proved what has been rumored some days ago: Intel Atom support has definitely been removed from the kernel.

Thus rendering Intel Atom based netbooks non working. Netbooks will not boot after updating as the following video by Stellarola shows. It shows the typical behaviour if the CPU is not supported by the kernel, OS X will instantly reset the system.

» Stellarola: Official – Atom not supported in 10.6.2
» Apple: About the 10.6.2. update
» Apple: Support Downloads for 10.6

[MacOS] Is EFI-X illegally using 3rd Party Program Code?

About a year ago a company called ASEM released a device called EFI-X. This device has been claimed to be capable of booting several Microsoft Windows versions and Mac OS X Leopard.

Legal concerns

From the beginning there were question regarding the legal status of the device. But ASEM claimed the device is legal, although it circumvents Apple’s binary protection using Apple’s copyrighted secret operating system keys (OSK1 and OSK2).

Technical issues

Anyway EFI-X devices had some issues. Many forums reported about problems with Bonjour and sharing in general. In the meantime articles from the official EFI-X support forums have been suddenly disappeared. Customers reporting issues or solutions and workaround to severe bugs have been banned from EFI-X support forums – our own help article to recover almost lost data was removed aswell and one of our members has been officially banned from their forums (the reason was this article in october 2008).

Examining EFI-X in deep

Now some frustrated customers who are on the other hand technologically very familiar have examined the EFI-X device in deep. One of the main points AsereBln found: in contrast to what EFI-X is stating: “Our approach is entirely different, (..) all our code and development is our own only” – they seem to be using program code that has been developed by the OSX86 community though. They seem to be using “Disabler.kext“. Moreover another user (RezRov) found out the EFI-X Windows update software seems to be violating the LGPL as it incorporates a modified USB device library (libusb-win32).

Use of possibly unlicensed 3rd party program code, possibly illegal use of Apple security keys, and customer support below grade for a 170€ (250US$) commercial product that seems to be the summary about a year after product launch.

Lessons learnt

We suppose end users should be aware of this possible hassle. Only an original Apple Mac is really hassle free and 100% compatible to a Mac. But if you are technologically interested and have the time and motivation search the OSX86 communities for setups. The OSX86 forums are full of knowledge and willing to help. But remember a PC won’t ever be 100% compatible to a real Mac.

[MacOS] Solutions to Issues with Leopard Update 10.5.7

Applies to
You are either running an

The following solution has been reported to work on both systems. Chances are good that the solution might be working for you aswell.

You have been using the auto update feature in Mac OS X to update to 10.5.7. Instead of restarting your system crashs during reboot.

You made a backup of your system before, right? Then Restore your backup of 10.5.6, if you didn’t backup: skip this step and give the rest a try anyway.

Native Apple Mac Hackintosh
00. (restore backup of 10.5.6) 00. (restore backup of 10.5.6)
01. shutdown your Mac 01. shutdown your Hackintosh
02. turn it on again and immediately 02. turn it on again and in Darwin boot menu
03. keep holding the SHIFT KEY 03. in Darwin Boot Menu apply these parameters: -x -f
04. you Mac will boot into SAFE MODE 04. your Hackintosh will boot into SAFE MODE and recreate the MKext
05. Login to Leopard 05. Login to Leopard
06. Download Combo Update 10.5.7 (Link) 06. Download Combo Update 10.5.7 (Link)
07. Ignore the Auto Update feature 07. Ignore the Auto Update feature
08. Install downloaded Combo Update 10.5.7 08. Install downloaded Combo Update 10.5.7

In case there is still something fishy. You may try to repair permissions after updating to 10.5.7, by following these additional steps:

09. Boot with your Install DVD 09. Boot with Boot 132 CD and boot your Retail Install DVD
10. Start Disk Utility 10. Start Disk Utility
11. Repair Permissions 11. Repair Permissions
12. Keep Praying 12. Keep Praying
13. reboot 13. reboot

I hope it helps. If you got more suggestions: don’t hesitate to share them in the comments section. Thanks for stopping by our site…

[MacOS] Solution to Microsoft Entourage 2008 Crashing


You are a heavy IMAP user with more than one IMAP account and with hundreds to thousands of mails in the incoming folder. After starting Entourage 2008 it tries to fetch the latest messages, but it just shows no reaction, but the spinning ball. Mac OS X’ activity monitor reports “no response”. Entourage has crashed.


Although it seems issues have been introduced after updating to a version below 12.1.7, it is the other way round. The latest update fixes a lot issues, but requires to initialize the IMAP configuration.

What to do

  1. Be fast :-)
  2. Start Entourage and…
  3. immediately open Account Settings
  4. Remove your current accounts from Entourage – this will take some time
  5. Close Entourage
  6. Restart Entourage
  7. Add accounts again

We hope this helps. Enjoy…