[e-Biz] Is Dell About to Build an Android Smartphone?

According to the Wall Street Journal, Dell is gonna build a smartphone based on Google’s Android operating system. The smartphone is rumored to be released exclusively on the AT&T network in the U.S. The german Golem.de News also mentions negotiations between Dell and T-Mobile.

Dell seems to be able to deliver the smartphone in the beginning of 2010. There is no information available if it will be based on the Mini3i smartphone, that Dell lately allowed China Mobile to evaluate.

The smartphone will also make use of a touchscreen, a camera, a browser and a music player. More iPhone competition seems to be on the way.

[iPod] GeoHot Jailbreaks iPod Touch Firmware 3.1

GeoHot today posted a photo of a jailbroken iPod Touch running iPhone OS 3.1. He eventually made it. As of now there is no more information available, but it is likely that this is the approach he and the Chronic Dev Team were talking about.

[iPhone] GreenPois0n to Jailbreak all iPhones and iPod Touchs

What has happened so far

Some irritation is going on in the Apple hacking community. On the one hand GeoHot today announced that there will be a tool that will allow jailbreaking all iPhones and iPod Touchs, but as he wished to perform further tests he didn’t tell anything about the procedure.

The Chronic Dev Team on the other hand who seem to have been working together with GeoHot now released the technical details about this hack. Sadly as there is no GreenPois0n tool available as of now, the technical details are most likely useless for 99,9% of all iPhone and iPod users.

Reasons are unknown why the Chronic Dev Team released the information before a tool has been finished. But it seems GeoHot is not amused by taking these steps.

Update 2009, Oct 19th: GeoHot and the Chronic Dev Team tell they have independently found the bug that allows for jailbreaking the 3.1 firmware.

Enduser compatible information

According to mFX.ch (german only) the forthcoming GreenPois0n jailbreak tool will not require to bring the iPhone into DFU mode. The GreenPois0n will be released on the PirateBay*.

External Links

» GeoHot on the universal 3.1 jailbreak
» Chronic Dev Team on 3.1. jailbreak progress
» GreenPois0n site (only dummy page atm)…
» TheiPhoneWiki with technical details

* for legal reasons here in Germany we cannot link directly to the PirateBay.

[Pre] Palm Allows Distribution of WebOS Apps outside App Catalog

In contrast to Apple’ AppStore, Palm today announced, they will also allow distribution of Palm Pre applications outside of Palm’s App Catalog.

The WebOS developer program will officially start in december 2009 for an annual fee of 100US$. The annual fee does not apply for open source applications, as they will be taken into the App Catalog and distributed for free.

For commercial apps aswell as Apple with their AppStore, Palm with their App Catalog will charge 30%, while 70% will go back to the developer.

[MacOS] Psystar Accounces OEM Licensing Program

As of yesterday the Miami based company Psystar, which is still in legal trouble with Apple, announced to license their virtualization technology to third party manufacturers.

Computers preloaded with Psystar’s DUBL (Darwin Universal Boot Loader) would allow to make

“systems Mac OS X compatible. Psystar’s virtualization technology, specifically engineered for Snow Leopard, allows for seamless operation of the Mac OS on generic Intel Hardware and would be offered on all Psystar Certified machines.”

Find more information about this step in Psystar’s official press statement.

[iPhone] Flash coming to iPhone / No Flash Player for Safari

Although Apple still does not allow plugins for their iPhone Safari browser, Adobe will bring Flash on the iPhone using a different strategy.

Adobe Flash Professional CS5 will have an export for iPhone apps. Thus allowing games and application built using Flash being compiled natively for the iPhone and being distributed via AppStore.

Sadly Adrian Ludwig clearly says in the video

“On the iPhone we don’t have a browser plugin. Flash Player 10.1 isn’t available.”

This means in contrast to the Palm Pre, Apple’s iPhone will still not be able to run Flash based internet pages.

Video is courtesy of Golem.de News

» Adobe’s Flash for iPhone info page…
» Golem.de News: “Adobe bringt Flash-Applicationen aufs iPhone” (german)…

[Pre] Palm Pre to Ship with Adobe Flash Soon (Upd.)

Adobe released a video yesterday featuring the Palm Pre running Adobe Flash. Adrian Ludwig from Adobe Labs shows websites running with Flash Player 10.1 beta on the semi-official iPhone challenger Palm Pre.

In their official press statement Adobe say

A public developer beta of the browser-based runtime is expected to be available for Windows® Mobile, Palm® webOS and desktop operating systems including Windows, Macintosh and Linux later this year.”

Developers may sign up for notification about the Adobe Flash beta for the Palm Pre.

Interestingly neither this statement nor the statement on Adobe Labs include a single word about Apple’s iPhone or the iPhone OS X. Could this mean Flash will not come anytime soon to the iPhone?

While letting those rumors dwell, enjoy the Palm Pre video featuring Adobe Flash…

The Video is courtesy by Adobe 2009.

» Adobe’s press statement on BusinessWire.com…
» Adobe’s statement on Adobe Labs…
» Adobe Flash for Palm Pre notification registration
» Adobe TV featuring the Palm Pre (currently unavailable)…

[Pre] Marry me again: WebOS 1.2.1 syncs to iTunes 9.01

A couple of days after their latest release of WebOS 1.2 Palm released WebOS 1.2.1. Now the Palm Pre is again synchronizing with Apple’s iTunes 9.0.1. Since iTunes version 8.2.1 with every update Apple is trying to stop Palm from syncing their Pre with iTunes. As we’ve seen in the past, all those attempts by Apple don’t last long. According to Precentral.net the Palm Pre uses Apple’s USB idVendor string to fool iTunes into thinking the Palm Pre is an iPod.

The WebOS 1.2.1 update features:

  • sync photo albums with iTunes
  • reducing size of photos on the Pre
  • bugfix for Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 sync

The update is 38MBybte in size and will be transmitted automatically on the Pre – at least in the USA.

[Pre] Palm Pre Hacked to Support Video Recording

PreCentral reports that some devs managed to run a video recording software on Palm’s new flagship Pre. The software currently only supports 320 x 480 as resolution with 30fps.

But as the Pre supports up to 720×480 there is hope that we will soon seen DVD like recordings just from the Pre. The video format seems currently only badly formatted, that is why people recommend using VLC to play it.

[Muzaq] Anti-Pop Consortium Release New Album

Six years after their last EP “Antipop Consortium vs. Matthew Ship” the british alternative Hip-Hop group Antipop Consortium releases a new album: Fluorescent Black.

After breaking up for doing solo projects in 2003, they reunited in 2007 and said in an August 2007 interview that they reunited with the intention of touring and releasing a new record. The time has come.

» Go here to pre-listen the new album.