Tag Archives: iPhone Dev Team

[iPhone] Untethered Jailbreak For Firmware 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and 3.2

Team Spirit has just released a jailbreak for the latest firmwares for

  • iPhone
  • iPod Touch and
  • iPad (early beta)

As it seems it will only jailbreak an already activated device and it will not perform a carrier unlock. The jailbreak tool is available for Windows and Mac OS X and it installs the Cydia repository.

iPad users be cautious, many Cydia Apps have not been checked for compliance with the iPad and might screw up your new gadget.

Get more information and the jailbreak tool here

Kudos to Comex and Team Spirit.

[iPhone] Google Android Running On iPhone

Notorious Planetbeing – member of the famous iPhone Dev Team – just released a vid showing he managed to install Google’s Android operating system on an iPhone 2G.

In the video below Android is demonstrated on an iPhone 2G; however, it should be pretty simple to port forward to the iPhone 3G. The 3GS will take more work.

Planetbeing thanks CPICH for reversing support, harmn1, posixnina, jean, marcan and saurik for patches, and last but not least, TheSeven for his work on the FTL.

Pre-built images and sources can be found at http://www.mediafire.com/?xqjzn12igfn.

Via http://linuxoniphone.blogspot.com

[iPhone] Lost iPhone 4G Prototype In The Wild

The story is burning all the Apple related pages. Although Apple officials say, their iPhone 4G prototype has been stolen, Gizmodo.com argues it has been lost by an Apple employee named Gray Powell. Powell is a developer at Apple and currently he works on Apple’s latest baseband.

It seems Powell has lost the device in the german restaurant Gourmet Haus Staudt in Redwood City, California, after having had too much of our wonderful german beer.

Anyway Gizmodo.com now got their hands on the device and show what it’s got. Sadly they cannot get past the “connect to iTunes” logo because the device has been deactivated over the air obviously using mobile me.

We feel like the iPhone Dev Team or GeoHot should get their hands on that device. Until further news enjoy Gizmodo’s vid:

Update: in the meantime Apple has filed a formal claim to get back their device.

Update 2: Conspiracy theorists say this is an Apple marketing thing as the story doesn’t pass the smell test.

[iPhone] Neurosurgeon Finds Baseband Bug for 3.1.3

Egyptian neurosurgeon Sherif Hashim seems to have found something very interesting. He found a way to actually crash the iPhone’s baseband 05.12.01 of the latest firmware update 3.1.3.

MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev Team has confirmed this bug. Though the iPhone Dev Team posted later today that they cannot tell if this bug actually leads to an unlock. The iPhone Dev Team also warns for potential scammers trying to rip us off.

More information to come. Congrats to Egypt! Nice find…


» Sherif Hashim’s intense debate comments…
» MuscleNerd confirms bug on twitter…
» iPhone Dev Team Blog: Scam season
» Incomplete-News.com: Incomplete List of Unlock Scam Sites

[iPhone] iPhone Dev Team Release RedSn0w Unlock Solution

From the iPhone Dev Team’s Wiki:

What is it?

A cross-platform jailbreaking, unlocking, and customizing tool for iPhones and iPod touches. Customizations include boot logos, recovery logos, and “verbose” boot. It’s a standalone program that doesn’t use iTunes (no custom IPSWs are involved).

The download links are at the bottom of this page (but please read the whole page anyway!).

We’ve been offering redsn0w in various incarnations over the years (including poorlad’s Windows version of QuickPwn). The most recent release before this one was redsn0w 0.8, which targeted Apple firmware 3.0/3.0.1.

» More information and download here

[iPhone] Commercial Unlocking Scammers

It is well known, that there are commercial thieves who use freely available programs and ideas by the iPhone Dev Team, GeoHot, Chronic Dev Team and others.

We highly recommend not to buy any unlocking or jailbreaking solution. They are available for free.

We prepped a list of current scammers making a business modell out of other people’s efforts. The links don’t work as we don’t want you to go there.

  • iPhone Unlocking Solutions (http://www.unlock-the-iphone.com)
  • iPhone Unlock UK (http://www.iphoneunlockuk.com)
  • iPhone Unlocking (http://www.iphoneunlocking.com)
  • iPhone Unlock Australia (http://www.iphoneunlockaustralia.com)
  • iPhone Unlock Free Software GUI (http://www.freeiphoneunlock.com/unlock) – installs adware
  • Unlock Ur iPhone Now (http://www.unlockuriphonenow.com)
  • Unlocked iPhone (http://www.unlockediphone.info)
  • Unlock Any iPhone (http://www.unlockanyiphone.net)

iPhone unlocking seems to be a large market. Say any of these companies sold 5,000 unlocks (which is a quite conservative estimation). For an average price of 25US$. This makes 125,000US$ for setting up a stupid internet page with stolen and repackaged content.

[iPhone] O2 Unlocking UK Customers’ iPhones

The competition in the UK seems to be getting hard around the jesus phone. Orange just released the iPhone 3GS for their network.

O2 seems to be feeling they needed to come up with something that mostly only the iPhone Dev Team or GeoHot could provide: an unlock.

The unlock is offered under the following conditions:

  • customers paying monthly can unlock at any time for free but the minimum term of contract has to be fullfilled
  • pay and go customers can unlock after 12 months for a fee of 15GBP

Unlocking will take up to 14 days. Unlocking customers will receive an SMS confirming the unlock. iTunes will then confirm that the iPhone has been unlocked successfully.

via Fonearena.com

[iPhone] BlackSn0w Unlock for Latest Baseband Released

Some hours ago GeoHot released his unlock answer to the latest baseband of Apple’s iPhones. Now with BlackRa1n jailbreaking of firmware 3.12 and with BlackSn0w unlocking of baseband 05.11.07 is a hitch for almost everyone. Kudos fly out to notorious GeoHot.

» GeoHot: BlackSnow is live

[Pre] UK’s O2 Palm Pre Unlocked using RebelSIM?

A video appeared showing that SIM locked Palm Pre’s from the UK seems to have been unlocked using a proxy SIM solution called RebelSIM. There is no further detailed information about if this is a safe unlock like with the proxy SIMs for the first gen iPhones or i RebelSIM cards use IMSI fake IDs.

In general we suppose to be cautious with proxy SIM solutions. Why? Basically it’s the same with the proxy SIM cards for iPhones (read here).

A software unlock – meaning a binary code modification of the baseband – is almost always the better solution from a technical point of view, but it on the way to being able to patch the baseband many other issues can occur.

So for people who are desperate for a Palm Pre: get yourself the german factory unlocked version and learn to live with a QWERTZ keyboard. It much less hassle imho.

[iPhone] GeoHot Announces Latest Baseband Unlock

George Hotz – by now almost any iPhone user should know that guy – hacked the latest baseband firmware 05.11.07. The unlock will be named BlackSn0w, well …

That means all carrier or SIM locked iPhones around the globe running this latest firmware can be used with different SIM cards from different carriers. Thus making holidays no roaming fee horror show.

Information about the unlock procedures will be released on BlackRa1n.com on Nov 04, 2009. Until then, enjoy GeoHot’s video proof:

Kudos fly out to GeoHot. Standing work, dude. But why the hell is there always Snow, Rain, Snow, Rain. Why no sunshine, guys?