Author Archives: J. ΞPSTΞÏN

[Pre] Palm Developer Early Access Program

Selected developers who recently downloaded the Palm Mojo SDK now received mail that Palm has some open positions for their Early Access Program.

Developers need to apply with their app. If being accepted they will be provided an assigned Palm account manager for technical and review questions.

As early birds devs will get the developer registration almost for free – only a $5 fee will be required for PayPal verification.

Palm seems to be in the final preparations with their Developer Program and App Catalog. They explicitly write they want developers to help with “final scalability testing”.

Palm will officially open the doors for the Developer Program in december. So if you’re a developer the Early Access Program seems to be the last chance to get into the developer program early and rebated.

[Pre] Flash Coming to Palm Pre in First Half 2010

Although beta versions of Adobe Flash for the Palm Pre seem to be available soon (at least for developers), end users will have to wait significantly longer.

Visiting on a Palm Pre shows the following text.

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 is coming to Palm WebOS in the first half of 2010.


[Pre] WebOS Update 1.3.1 Coming End of November

Palminfocenter is reporting that webOS 1.3.1 is coming to european Palm Pre’s by the end of november.

They say they gotten this news from UK O2’s reps. Palm did not comment on this, though.

» webOS 1.3 in Europe by end of november

[iPhone] O2 Unlocking UK Customers’ iPhones

The competition in the UK seems to be getting hard around the jesus phone. Orange just released the iPhone 3GS for their network.

O2 seems to be feeling they needed to come up with something that mostly only the iPhone Dev Team or GeoHot could provide: an unlock.

The unlock is offered under the following conditions:

  • customers paying monthly can unlock at any time for free but the minimum term of contract has to be fullfilled
  • pay and go customers can unlock after 12 months for a fee of 15GBP

Unlocking will take up to 14 days. Unlocking customers will receive an SMS confirming the unlock. iTunes will then confirm that the iPhone has been unlocked successfully.


[Pre] Palm Pixi Running webOS 1.3.1 in the Wild

On November 15th, 2009 it is rumored the new webOS 1.3.1 will be made available to worldwide Palm Pre users. On Monday a video on YouTube appeared that already shows a Palm Pixi running the new webOS 1.3.1.

Besides some boost in speed, the web browser in the 1.3.1 update obviously is able to recognize Adobe Flash already, though it does not run it (screenshot below captured at 0:24).


» Precentral: Pixi running webOS 1.3.1 captured on video
» Precentral: Adobe Flash Placeholder spotted in 1.3.1

[MacOS] 10.6.2 Update Released – Intel Atoms Killed

Apple’s 10.6.2 update closes lots of security holes that could be used to compromise systems. Safari, iWork, iLife, Aperture, Final Cut Studio, and some other apps are rumored to be working more reliable after updating.

Apple pwns back

For OSX86 users on netbooks this update is far away from being recommended at the moment. The update now has proved what has been rumored some days ago: Intel Atom support has definitely been removed from the kernel.

Thus rendering Intel Atom based netbooks non working. Netbooks will not boot after updating as the following video by Stellarola shows. It shows the typical behaviour if the CPU is not supported by the kernel, OS X will instantly reset the system.

» Stellarola: Official – Atom not supported in 10.6.2
» Apple: About the 10.6.2. update
» Apple: Support Downloads for 10.6

[News] The Berlin Wall: Retrospect 20 Years Ago

Today 20 years ago, the last hours of the Berlin Wall are precisely known. At 6.53 p.m. Günter Schabowski, a spokesman of the eastern german Politbüro was asked when new regulations for the private travel of eastern German citizens will take effect. As he was not fully updated that these new regulations were due to November 10th, 1989 he just answered

As far as I know effective immediately, without delay.
(german: “Das tritt nach meiner Kenntnis […] ist das sofort, unverzüglich.“)

That answer was like a big bang for the citizens of eastern Berlin. Thousands went to the Bornholmer Straße demanding to open the wall immediately. At 10.30 p.m. the eastern german border patrol man Harald Jäger surrendered and opened the Berlin Wall on the Bornholmer Straße with the last words

We’re flooding now.
(german: “Wir fluten jetzt”)

Now 20 years later, not many relicts from that time have remained. Today at 7 p.m. a thousand dominos as a symbol for the former Berlin Wall are gonna be knocked over in front of the Brandenburg Gate.

To get a better insight how the world looked liked in the 1980s here in Berlin, the Deutsche Welle made an amazing documentary about how the inner German Wall was secured.

» Wikipedia: History of the Berlin Wall
» 20 Years on – Berlin Celebrates the Day the Wall fell
» Flash Mob: Recreating the Berlin Wall with 33,000 people…

[MacOS] Intel Atom CPUs still Unsupported in 10.6.2 beta

In contrast to what is being written on the major internet newspapers, the latest beta build 10C535 of Mac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.2 does indeed still not support Intel Atom CPUs anymore.

Stellarola investigated into this issue some of his spare time to find out why different sources tell different things. And the reason is simple: if you run an early built 10.6.2 with an old kernel from july then 10.6.2 will indeed work, but the latest stock kernel in 10.6.2 build 10C535 as of now is not going to allow Atom CPUs to run.

According to Stellarola even in the 10.6.2. build 10C540 the Atom support is not gonna come back.

» Stellarola: Atom CPU – Sir, your pants are on fire

[e-Biz] The End of the German Netzeitung

A couple of days before their 10th anniversary, one of the first german online only newspapers Netzeitung will be shut down. 12 Employees are gonna be resigned from the Netzeitung effective December 31, 2009.

In a press statement the parent company DuMont say because of economical reasons the concept of an online newspaper is gonna be abandoned in favour of an automized newsportal.

“Aus wirtschaftlichen Gründen wird das bisherige Konzept einer Internetzeitung mit eigener Redaktion zum 31. Dezember 2009 aufgegeben. Aus diesem Grund wird sämtlichen Mitarbeitern in Kürze betriebsbedingt gekündigt werden. Bestehende vertragliche Verpflichtungen der Internetzeitung werden noch im 1. Quartal 2010 erfüllt. Es wird geplant, zukünftig die Netzeitung als automatisiertes Nachrichtenportal zu nutzen. Die NZ-Teletextaktivitäten sind davon unberührt und sollen in Zukunft eine stärkere Rolle in der Gruppe spielen.”

» Press Statement of the Netzeitung (german)…
» DuMont Verlag stellt “Netzeitung” ein (german)…

[Pre] Palm Pre Unboxing in Spain

Pixel y Dixel made a video from their Palm Pre unboxing session. Attention this video is in spanish. There are no subtitles available at this moment…