Author Archives: J. ΞPSTΞÏN

[iPhone] No Flash But Lego? Now Adobe Strikes Back…

Apple now has confirmed to be no fan of Adobe Flash. It is too buggy and not open standard and this and that. And foremost: it is no Apple technology ;-) Well, erm… Aswell as the iPhone the iPad is gonna show those nice and tiny Lego bricks instead of Adobe Flash based content. Bringing the web to your mobile device? Or rather bringing back the Lego bricks from our earliest childhood.

Now Adobe strikes back and reimplemented the iPad with all its amazing, wonderful and outstanding features – using real Lego ;-)

Picture is courtesy of Joe Meno of Brickjournal. Find a lot more pics here

[iPad] Apple Places iPad in Grammy Awards

American actor Stephen Colbert pulled an unreleased Apple iPad yesterday at the Grammy Awards to read the list of nominees. Colbert said

“I’m sorry where’s the list. Oh, I know! It’s on my iPad. Jay-z, did you not get one of these in your gift bag? Am I cooler than you?

This product placement seems to have happened last minute, as you can tell from the reaction of Colbert’s wife. When asking her with a tongue-in-cheek:

Hunnie, Hunnie, does this make me look cool?

She just disapproves by shaking her head.

Anyway this is psychologically a brilliant step by Apple – as it generates demand for the iPad among the most important multiplier target group – the celebrities.

Enjoy the vid…


[iPhone] iPhone Dev Team Release RedSn0w Unlock Solution

From the iPhone Dev Team’s Wiki:

What is it?

A cross-platform jailbreaking, unlocking, and customizing tool for iPhones and iPod touches. Customizations include boot logos, recovery logos, and “verbose” boot. It’s a standalone program that doesn’t use iTunes (no custom IPSWs are involved).

The download links are at the bottom of this page (but please read the whole page anyway!).

We’ve been offering redsn0w in various incarnations over the years (including poorlad’s Windows version of QuickPwn). The most recent release before this one was redsn0w 0.8, which targeted Apple firmware 3.0/3.0.1.

» More information and download here

[Pre] Palm Pre’s Slider Oreo Issues

Forum reports seem to be growing about this issue. A certain amount of first generation Palm Pre’s being sold all over the world seem to have slider issues. “It just wobbles too much, thus making it feel like a 500€ plastic toy.”, said a customer in a local O2 store.

Our testing device received from  a local O2 store in November, 2009 here in Berlin suffers the same slider issue.

When talking to O2’s customer support,  he by the way confirmed: “my Pre had the same issue. It is being repaired currently.”

Fortunately the repairing procedure with O2 is quite painless. If a customer realizes a defect within the first seven days of purchase, the local O2 store offers direct exchange of the device (this not only applies to Palm’s devices but to any cell phone O2 offers here in Germany). If defects are reported after seven days, they will be repaired within two weeks. Business customers are offered exchange devices at any time within 48hours.

If Palm Pre’s having the orea offect can be repaired at all, is still not really proven. According to a report on PreThinking, U.S. american devices are getting exchanged. Repair centers are not allowed to repair them.

When asking O2’s customer service, if the slider issue has been reported often, he answered: “No, this is a very rare issue, and we also asked Palm about this, and they also said, there is no slider issue.”

This might be the case for Germany, but in the meantime Palm in the U.S.A. seem to have implicitly confirmed the slider issues. In a review article of the second generation Palm Pre (called Palm Pre Plus for the Verizon network), Dieter Bohn mentioned that “Palm says that they’ve fixed up the slider action (..)”.

In the meantime we’ve received our exchange device, and guess what? Although it still is a first generation Palm Pre, this slider has no orea effect.

It feels a lot more stable, making it eventually a serious tool for all the people who don’t want to follow the iPhone hype.

Picture is courtesy of

[iPad] Apple Announces Slate Tablet in March

What has been rumored for so long has finally become reality. Apple today introduced the iPad or as Apple would put it: the magic experience of the internet. Worldwide product launch will be in March 2010.

The iPad is a multi-touch device with a 9.7″ TFT display, without keyboard, but with a design and handling similar to the iPhone. It is run by an ARM 1GHz CPU and comes in flavors of 16, 32 or 64GB flash memory.

It comes as a WiFi only version or as a WiFi and 3G version.

  • iPad 16GB = 499US$ (629US$ incl. 3G)
  • iPad 32GB = 599US$ (729US$ incl. 3G)
  • iPad 64GB = 699US$ (829US$ incl. 3G)

European prices have not been announced yet. In contrast to the iPhone the iPad seems not to distributed with carrier lock, but still via AT&T in the U.S.

App Store applications are in many cases compatible to the iPad, aswell. An external keyboard can be bought seperately. An e-book store called iBookstore will be available at product launch in march, aswell.

Our opinion
The display size and ease-of-use known from the iPhone will be nice for browsing the web from the sofa. It lacks a camera. The integration into Apple’s eco-system of products and services makes the iPad a danger to Amazon’s Kindle, we suppose.

Sadly from the aspects of an internet device, we suspect it will not support Adobe Flash, as it it rumored to be based on the iPhone kernel, as it prohibits multi-tasking.

This in turn will also mean that the platform will be be utilizing a similar chain of trust like the iPhone. Hello GeoHot? Got some time again after playing with the PS3? A new jailbreak might be required soon ;-)

What missing? Yes, Mr. iGAF. Sadly we haven’t read anything from him yet. But the ultimate test, why the iPad is so inferior to all Microsoft Windows based Slates will come. Be sure, not to miss Uncle Mossheimer on AllThingsD when it’s story time again…

And finally here’s Apple’s iPad propaganda vid. It’s become magical ;-)

[Pre] Enable Developer Mode

Enabling the Developer Mode gives access to a thousand of homebrew apps and apps which are currently under beta testing.

There are now two ways known to enable the Pre’s dev mode.

1. Simply enter the Konami cheat code:


2. or enter this:


in either way, you’ll see a “secret” menu switch that allows you to enable the developer mode. After that reboot the device.

[PS3] GeoHot Hacks PS3’s Hypervisor Protection

Notorious iPhone hacker GeoHot has succesfully circumvented the Playstation’s security system. According to his latest blog entry, he has dumped LV0 and LV1 code, thus allowing him to (theoretically) run code on the processor, bypassing the hypervisor.

The Playstation’s hypervisor is intended to run third party software (like Yellow Dog Linux) on a virtualized level, thus maintaining system integrity and protection of the host system. Within this virtualized environment arbitrary access to certain hardware devices has been disabled, thus allowing only basic access to the graphic processing unit (GPU) for example.

GeoHot seems to have broken the chain of trust. This means he can bypass the hypervisor to directly access hardware like the GPU with his custom code. Anyway he has not released any further information or proof of his work. But hey, it is not anyone, it is GeoHot, so it seems solid.

We compiled some links for people being interested in the hypervisor protection topic.

» GeoHot: Hello hypervisor, I’m GeoHot
» Virtualization – All About Hypervisors
» PS3News: Overview on Security architecture of the PS3
» PS2Dev Wiki: Details about hypervisor functions of the PS3 and Toshiba’s CellEB
» PS3News: A PS3 Game’s Flow of Execution; PS3’s base AIX

Massive Attack: Protection (1995)…

[Muzaq] Incomplete-MP3 Store Alpha

The Situation

As an addition to our periodical music reviews we now offer to get those tracks legally as mp3 downloads from our own site here. We don’t expect big sales here. We see this as another experiment in our large field of experiments.

As this is all about gathering experiences, we currently offer this service for the U.S. and for Germany only.

The Quality

The quality of the mp3 files is very good. The mp3 files have round about 256kBits/s compressed variable bitrate.

Your Benefits

You get real mp3’s  without digital rights management (DRM) or watermarks. You can play mp3 files virtually on any mobile music player around, mp3’s are of course compatible to Apple’s iPods or iPhones or Palm’s Pre.

And yes: this is legal. No downloading from dark places. And the best: we teamed up with Amazon, thus allowing you to use Amazon as your payment service to get our finest mp3 selections.

The Prices

The prices vary depending on the size and the amount of tracks. LP’s usually cost about US$9.98 (€9.98). EP’s vary between $3.00 – $5.00.


» Incomplete-News.Com: Incomplete-MP3 Beta Store (USA)
» Incomplete-News.Com: Incomplete-MP3 Beta Store (Deutschland)

Preview is limited to 30secs at the moment…

[Muzaq] Antipop Consortium Live in Paris

Anousonne Savanchomkeo of just sent us this nice link. This time the GrandCrew team filmed this outstanding avangardist concert of Antipop Consortium on November 9th, 2009 in La Maroquinerie in Paris. It is an outstanding mixture between electro and hip hop… Don’t miss to watch and listen. Enjoy and kudos to Paris…

» Antipop Consortium Live in Paris
» Antipop Consortium

[e-Biz] Tablet-Mac iSlate Using iPhone Kernel

The guys over at seem to have been talking to an Apple contact, having more details of Apple’s iSlate. As already rumored during the last days, the iSlate seems to be featuring an ARM CPU, will be using the iPhone Kernel and will have the internal model number K48AP.