Author Archives: J. ΞPSTΞÏN

[Pre] European Ads for the Palm Pre

The first ad is from the german O2 network and the second from the spanish Moviestar network.

[MacOS] Parallels Desktop 5 Released

The virtualizing software Parallels Desktop has been updated to version 5. Besides performance optimization and 3d performance boost, the integration of a Microsoft Windows operating system into the Mac environment has been significantly improved.

Parallels Desktop 5 features:

  • integration of Apple trackpad gestures (like horizontal scrolling) into the Windows guest operating system
  • copy and paste of texts and layouts between the operating systems
  • Mac look for Windows guest programs

Parallels Desktop 5 is available in German, English, French and Spanish. With more languages like Chinese, Japanese and Russian to come soon.

It will come bundled with

  • 1-year free Parallels Internet Security 2009 by Kasperky
  • Acronis Disk Director Suite 10 and
  • Acronis True Image Home 11

The full version costs about €80, an update is available for €50. And customers who bought Parallels Desktop after October 1st, 2009 are entitled for a free upgrade.

[iPhone] BlackSn0w Unlock for Latest Baseband Released

Some hours ago GeoHot released his unlock answer to the latest baseband of Apple’s iPhones. Now with BlackRa1n jailbreaking of firmware 3.12 and with BlackSn0w unlocking of baseband 05.11.07 is a hitch for almost everyone. Kudos fly out to notorious GeoHot.

» GeoHot: BlackSnow is live

[Pre] UK’s O2 Palm Pre Unlocked using RebelSIM?

A video appeared showing that SIM locked Palm Pre’s from the UK seems to have been unlocked using a proxy SIM solution called RebelSIM. There is no further detailed information about if this is a safe unlock like with the proxy SIMs for the first gen iPhones or i RebelSIM cards use IMSI fake IDs.

In general we suppose to be cautious with proxy SIM solutions. Why? Basically it’s the same with the proxy SIM cards for iPhones (read here).

A software unlock – meaning a binary code modification of the baseband – is almost always the better solution from a technical point of view, but it on the way to being able to patch the baseband many other issues can occur.

So for people who are desperate for a Palm Pre: get yourself the german factory unlocked version and learn to live with a QWERTZ keyboard. It much less hassle imho.

[MacOS] Update 10.6.2 to Break Intel Atom CPU Support

According to Stellarolla’s blog the upcoming Snow Leopard update 10.6.2 and the Leopard update 10.5.9 will most likely break Intel Atom support. Thus rendering hackintosh installations on netbooks inoperable.

Although Apple does not provide products shipping with Intel Atom CPUs, the Mac OS kernel did support those. Now with the growing amount of hackintoshs it seems Apple tries to stop the use of their operating system on cheap an tiny netbooks.

Probably this is another indicator that Apple is going to bring the long rumored tiny tablet Mac. Anyway for people willing to maintain MacOS on their netbooks the easiest way is to not update to 10.6.2 or 10.5.9 at the moment.

» Stellarolla: “10.6.2 kills Atom and other news”…

[misc] Incomplete List of Proverbs Equal in German and English

Reading english proverbs in english articles that are equal to german proverbs always makes me ask if the article has been written by a german trying to write english (much like I do ;-).

So I found some proverbs that I just wanted to archive for later reference. If you know some more, let me know in the comments…

  • Let the cat out of the Bag
    Die Katze aus dem Sack lassen
  • The apple does not fall far from the tree
    Der Apfel fällt nicht weit vom Stamm
  • Give up the ghost
    Den Geist aufgeben
  • All beginnings are difficult
    Aller Anfang ist schwer
  • To paint a black picture of something
    Etwas schwarz malen
  • Everything has an end, only sausage has two
    Alles hat ein Ende, nur die Wurst hat zwei
  • Hard work never hurt anyone
    Arbeiten hat noch keinem geschadet
  • Barking dogs don’t bite
    Hunde, die bellen, beißen nicht
  • Go through thick and thin
    Durch dick und dünn gehen
  • Tribute to whom tribute is due
    Ehre dem, dem Ehre gebührt
  • Don’t look a gift horse into the mouth
    Einem geschenkten Gaul, schaut man nicht ins Maul
  • Rome wasn’t built in a day
    Rom wurde nicht an einem Tag erbaut
  • All is well, that ends well.
    Ende gut, alles gut
  • All that glitters is not gold
    Es ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt
  • To see light at the end of the tunnel
    Licht am Ende des Tunnels sehen
  • To go to the dogs
    Vor die Hunde gehen
  • Guard your tongue
    Hüte Deine Zunge
  • That is just splitting hairs
    Das ist Haarspalterei
  • To cast pearls before swine
    Perlen vor die Säue werfen
  • Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
    Was Du heute kannst besorgen, verschiebe nicht auf morgen
  • He who laughs last, laughs best
    Wer zuletzt lacht, lacht am Besten

[iPhone] GeoHot Announces Latest Baseband Unlock

George Hotz – by now almost any iPhone user should know that guy – hacked the latest baseband firmware 05.11.07. The unlock will be named BlackSn0w, well …

That means all carrier or SIM locked iPhones around the globe running this latest firmware can be used with different SIM cards from different carriers. Thus making holidays no roaming fee horror show.

Information about the unlock procedures will be released on on Nov 04, 2009. Until then, enjoy GeoHot’s video proof:

Kudos fly out to GeoHot. Standing work, dude. But why the hell is there always Snow, Rain, Snow, Rain. Why no sunshine, guys?

[MacOS] Psystar’s RebelEFI Compromised

We recently wrote about RebelEFI, the latest development by the notorious Apple Clone manufacturer Psystar. Now after the scandals with the EFI-X modules, people were wondering if RebelEFI might also be based on OSX86 community achievements. The russian OSX86 TeaTeam has analysed, unpacked, and decrypted the downloadable RebelEFI.iso.

Asfar as the automatic translation of the russian article allows to understand, RebelEFI seems to partly contain kernel extensions that are covered by the APSL,  a bootloader that seems to be derived from boot 132, and the lspci hardware information tool.

Our comment

Psystar has contributed to the OSX86 scene in the past by releasing helpful kexts that are nowadays contained in almost any scene prepared PreBoot disk (like OpenHaltRestart.kext). This is basically a good thing.

Anyway it seems they are now going the same way of repacking community based achievements and putting what they call premium support to it. As they did not release source code of the used program parts, people from the OSX86 are rightly upset. Psystar that is the wrong path you’re taking. Don’t become a second EFI-X.

Articles found via

[Pre] Rumors about SIM Unlock for EU GSM Version

As of now the only factory unlocked Palm Pre’s are being sold here in Germany. German Palm Pre’s are of course being sold with a germany QWERTZ keyboard. Anyway some international customers prefer the international QWERTY keyboard.

Now rumors in spanish forums have surfaced that the spanish GSM based Palm Pre sold by and locked to the MoviStar carrier have been unlocked. As of now we have no confirmation, if that is true or a hoax.

[iPhone] GeoHot Releases BlackRa1n RC2

GeoHot fixed some minor things with his BlackRa1n Jailbreak application. Download BlackRa1nh here.

** Update — RC2 is out **
Fixed 3G issues
Tethered jailbreak for 3.1 OOTB ipt 8GB and new 3GSes
Fixed Icy issues
Both Windows and Mac
If you used RC1 with success, no need to rerun