Author Archives: J. ΞPSTΞÏN

[Science] ARTE/3Sat Dokumentation Expedition ins Gehirn…

Die aus dem Jahre 2005 stammende 3-teilige Dokumentation “Expedition ins Gehirn” ist endlich auch auf Youtube gelandet. Die Doku befasst sich mit dem menschen Gedächtnis und seiner Fähigkeit höchste Leistungen zu erbringen. Im Fokus stehen dabei als Abgrenzungskriterium zwischen der Leistung der Gehirne “normaler” Menschen immer wieder die besonderen Leistungen der inselbegabten Savants.

Zu Wort kommen u.a. die bekanntesten Hirnforscher der Welt:

  • Dr. Darold Treffert
  • Prof. Simon Baron-Cohen
  • Prof. Gerhard Roth

Jede Folge ist etwa 45min lang. Enjoy!

Expedition ins Gehirn – Teil 1 – Gedächtnis-Giganten

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[Muzaq] Bitwig Prepping To Launch Beta of Bitwig Studio Soon

The Berlin based company Bitwig has eventually presented some details about their upcoming music software BitwigStudio. Bitwig Studio is targeting at professional and semi-professional musicians for producing and using live.

Features in Version 1.0

In addition to what people would expect like VST support, there seem to be some groundbreaking new features to be coming already in version 1.0:

  • dual heading for the use of several displays
  • Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and LINUX support (!!)
  • working on multiple documents
  • multiple automizations

Upcoming Features After  Version 1.0

Bitwig also announced features to be upcoming after version 1.0:

  • LAN multi-user jamming
  • multi-user music production via Internet
  • Native modular synthesizer/effects system


The Bitwig company has been founded by former Ableton developers in 2008. They are located in Berlin/Germany.

Closed Beta Test

Although there is no reliable information at the moment about release dates, you can apply here for a beta test starting soon.

More Information

» Bitwig on the net

Update [Jan 28, 2012]

Forum threads indicate there is a tiny chance that Ableton might sue Bitwig for cloning parts of Live’s GUI, in legal terms for violating the protection of registered designs.

[iOS5] Workaround for iPad and iPhone w/ iOS5 running Animoog


You absolutely like Moog’s latest iOS application named Animoog and wanna control it from your Mac but it doesn’t work and you are running iOS 5 or iOS 5.01. So at the moment it seems there is an issue in Animoog related to a modification in Apple’s CoreMidi stack. On iOS 4.3.x devices the CoreMidi connection worked.


I. On your iOS device do the following:

  1. I assume you already installed AniMoog, didn’t you?
  2. Please shutdown the AniMoog app, in case it is running. Don’t just put it into the multitasking background (or just reboot the iPad or the iPhone)
  3. then open the AppStore
  4. download Pad MIDI
  5. run Pad MIDI
  6. put Pad MIDI into the multitasking background
  7. start Animoog

II. On your Mac/HackMac/iMac/MacPro/whatever do the following:

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[Muzaq] Yamaha’s Tenori-On ported to Apple’s iOS

Check this comparison (courtesy of VJFranzK).

[Muzaq] How to Create Dubstep Wobble with NI’s Reaktor and Razor

This is a nice and short video tutorial by CrystalCircuit. Enjoy…

[Muzaq] ximekon – Meltdown (2011)

Meltdown by ximekon

[Win] Oracle VirtualBox: Workaround For Initialization Issue Pt. II

Find our previously released workaround for initialization issues here.


After configuring a dual core virtual machine and trying to start you may encounter a message box indicating:

  • Hyper-V launch failed; Either VMX not present or not enabled in BIOS.
  • Hyper-V launch failed; at least one of the processors in the system does not appear to provide a virtualization platform supported by Hyper-V.

This issue may occur no matter which host operating system you’re using. The reason for this might be:

  • you’re not using a CPU that supports hardware virtualization
  • your BIOS does not support hardware virtualization properly
  • hardware virtualization is disabled in your BIOS settings (check it!)
  • there is a bug in your current BIOS version
  • the trusted execution flag prevents booting properly

Known Workarounds

Try these settings in your BIOS:

  • Enable Execute Disable bit (depending on the motherboard manufacturer this can be called: XD-Bit, EDB, NX-Bit, AMD EVP)
  • Enable Virtualization bit (depending on the mobo manuf. this can be called: VT, IVT, AMD-V)
  • Enable VT for Direct I/O Access (depending on the mobo manuf. this can be called: VT-d based I/O)
  • Disable Trusted Execution Technology (depending on the mobo manuf. this can be called: Intel TXT, TET)

Of course, upgrading your BIOS to the latest version can also be of help, but flashing the BIOS is always a little risky.

Final Words

As we’re currently using VirtualBox only on the Windows XP platform we categorized this article under Win, anyway it is very likely that the same issue also occurs under Linux or Mac OS, as VirtualBox on all platforms derives from the same source code.

The above settings apply for example for installing MacOS SnowLeopard in a VM under Windows 7 on Gigabyte EP35-DS3 or Dell Optiplex 745/755.

[Muzaq] ximekon (2011) – Be Not Afraid, ma sa Allah

[MacOS] Save Energy by Using Deep Sleep aka Hibernation

Looking at the situation in Japan at these days, it seems overdue to begin worrying about all our energy consuming devices.

As a MacOS user we are used to some quite convenient features. Like just clicking sleep and the system goes to sleep.

What most of us don’t realize at this point is, that sleep mode logically requires energy as it will immediately wake up when I hit the keyboard.

So for me this began causing me a bad conscious – until I found the way to hibernate MacOS also on desktops

How to Hibernate aka Deep Sleep

  1. Download Axonic Labs’ Deep Sleep Widget for Snow Leopard 10.6 here.
  2. Unpack by double clicking
  3. Install to
  4. open terminal and
  5. enter in terminal:
    sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 3

Step 5. because Hibernation Safe Sleep is disabled by default on desktop systems like iMac, Mac Mini, or Mac Pro’s.

By the way: first tests show that this Deep Sleep Widget is at least compatible to Chameleon EFI RC4 :-))

[Internal] Long Time no See

Watching Californication and Boston Legal we decided to take a break and sleep with our lawyers ;-)