Tag Archives: Home Brew

[Pre] WebOS 1.4 With Free Need 4 Speed, Sims, and Monopoly

It seems Palm has eventually understood that Germany might be an important market for their Pre. The Pre is the most sold smartphone on the carrier O2 Germany. O2 Germany yesterday started to distribute webOS 1.4. The update we’ve all been waiting for desperately.

Free commercial Games for german customers

Sadly Electronic Arts’ free download offer for:

  • Need for Speed
  • The Sims
  • Monopoly

is for german customers only. Sorry guys from whereever you are.

New features

WebOS comes with some minor ;-) feature additions:

  • Video recording and editing
  • Video uploading to Facebook and Youtube
  • Better performance when starting apps
  • Telephone app performs a lot faster
  • Longer battery runtime
  • Messaging software allows calling numbers directly
  • SMS/MMS can be forwarded via e-mail
  • Videos can be attached to MMS’
  • phone numbers can be called from the calendar
  • E-mails can be sorted by date, sender, and subject
  • Middle button blinks as notification
  • Wi-Fi can be deactivated again if in sleep (prolonged battery life about 30% in first test)
  • Adobe Flash 10.1 support (will be added to the App Catalog soon)

Find a lot more about the Pre’s latest update in this article on Golem.de (click here for autotranslated version).

[Pre] Recommended Apps: Reboot Scheduler

Many of us know the phenomenon. The longer we use the iPhone or the Palm Pre the slower it goes. Rebooting the system always helped on either device.

For the Palm Pre there is now a solution that is called Reboot Scheduler by Zinge, which allows to automize the reboot process and to schedule it to a certain time.

We feel this is a nice tool for people running homebrew apps on their Pre anyway. You find it via the PreCentral repository.

That’s what we really like about the Palm Pre WebOS platform: it embraces the homebrew developers. No jailbreaking, no hassle.

Kudos fly out to Zinge and the PreCentral team.


» PreCentral.net: Palm Pre Reboot Scheduler

Screenshot is courtesy of PreCentral.net

[PS3] GeoHot Opens All HV’s SPUs / XorLoser Preps Manual

Obviously notorious George Hotz has managed to get all 7 SPUs of the Playstation 3’s CPU under his control. This means although he cannot access the CPU’s root key, he now can decrypt everything that’s going thru these SPUs like datastreams of (encrypted) commercial games.

The PPU is higher on the control chain then the SPUs. Even if checks were to be added to, for example, verify the hypervisor before decrypting the kernel, with clever memory mappings you can hide your modified hypervisor.

In the meantime another hacker going under the nick XorLoser has released a more detailed manual of how to use GeoHot’s exploitation files and how to do the glitching.

Besides that XorLoser maintains a plugin for reverser’s beloved Interactive Disassembler (IDA) that contains special PPC instructions for Xbox360 and PS3.

Congratulations to GeoHot. Kudos fly out to XorLoser.


» GeoHot: On Isolated SPUs
» XorLoser: PS3 Exploit – Software
» XorLoser: PS3 Exploit – Hardware
» XorLoser: PS3 and Xbox360 IDA PlugIn
» Hex-Rays.com: IDA Pro