[e-Biz] Berlin.de E-Mail Service massiv gestört

Nicht nur MobileMe von Apple hat Probleme mit der Persistenz von Mails (wir berichteten hier), auch der lokale Provider Berlin.de haut nun in die gleiche Kerbe. Ebenso wie MobileMe ist Berlin.de kostenpflichtig.

Schon im vergangenen Jahr wurden viele Kunden von Berlin.de in den Irrsinn getrieben. Die damalige Migration verlief nur unter größten Problemen. IMAP Nutzer fanden die in Unterordern angelegten Mails nicht mehr, da entweder die Order gar nicht migriert wurden oder die Mails in falsche Ordner sortiert wurden. Kundenmails von uns an den Support, blieben damals unbeantwortet. Rund 500MB Mails seit 2002 durften wir in mühseliger Kleinarbeit manuell in die richtigen Ordner zurücksortieren.

Heute morgen war es dann mal wieder soweit. Der Server war nicht mehr erreichbar. Erst ein Einloggen unter http://club.berlin.de brachte zu Tage, dass der E-Mail Service momentan nicht genutzt werden kann und dass man es bitte später wieder probieren sollte. “Präsentiert von der ComDirect Bank”… Gründe wurden bislang nicht genannt, weder über Berlin.de, noch auf Anfrage per Mail, auch ist die Die Berlin.de Hotline unter 01805.002856 nicht erreichbar.

Wir sind gespannt.

[UPDATE]: Seit einigen Minuten (17:00h) ist nun die Inbox wieder erreichbar. Das für IMAP bekannten abonnieren von Unterordnern funktioniert hingegen nicht.

[iPhone] Geohot’s new holistic iPhone Project: EDA

GeoHot just granted the world an insight into his current work project. It is called EDA and it almost looks like IDA (that btw also includes an iPhone debugger), but EDA seems to go a little further in case of simulator/dissassembler terms.

Geohot says the EDA simulator to:

  • include version control
  • allow graphical comparision between different versions of code
  • handle memory location as files
  • handle instructions as changelists

This concept he explains should make tracing of memory mapped IO processes “super easy”. But as GeoHot says: “Sadly, it’s still a work in progress. Maybe when its done, I’ll look for the 3G unlock.” Means: this tool is not available to the public, sadly.

Picture is courtesy of GeoHot.

[MacOS] VMWare Fusion 2.0 beta to include McAfee Antivirus

VMWare has released VMWare Fusion 2.0 beta for MacOS X. Fusion will integrate McAfee Antivirus solution with an upgrade and update plan for 12 months. Moreover Fusion 2.0 will be available as a free update for Fusion 1.0 customers.

Further features:

  • Application sharing: link filetypes from MacOS X to run a specific Windows program (on your guest) and vice versa, link filetypes within your virtual machine to run a specific MacOS program (on your host)
  • McAfee VirusScan Plus Subscription for 12 months
  • Language Support: Exptended Spanish and Italian Language support
  • Folder Mirroring: Link your documents, pictures etc. folders from within your Windows VM to your host’s documents, pictures folder.
  • Automattic Snapshots for further protection against viruses
  • Keyboard and Mouse shortcut mapping: link special Windows commands like “insert” “print screen”  to unused F-Keys like “F13″, F14” and so on
  • Improved DirectX integration thru hardware accelerated 3D graphics: even running 720p or 1080p videos smoother

Downloading the beta version as demo requires registration on VMWare site (go here). A free beta serial key is provided aswell.

See official VMWare trailer here:

[iPhone] The iPhone Girl not to be fired by Foxconn

Last week a british customer of an iPhone 3G found photos on his just activated iPhone 3G. Those photos were showing a girl from the factory plant of Foxconn nearby Shenzhen. A factory representative said to not intend to fire that girl. We all really hope that’s true.

Pictures are courtesy of http://www.iphonegirl.net. Visit their page here for more photos.

[e-Biz] Psystar countersues Apple

Mac clone manufacturer Psystar said to countersuit Apple for anticompetitetive business practices on Tuesday (see our recent report here). For this operation Psystar hired antitrust specialist attorney Colby Springer from Carr & Farrell.

Psystar will file sues on the basis of two U.S. american laws to prevent monopolies and cartels (see Sherman Antitrust Act and Clayton Antitrust Act). Tying MacOS X to Apple labeled hardware only is “an anticompetitive restrain of trade”, said Colby Springer. Psystar wants the District Court from Northern California to rule Apple’s End-User-License-Agreement for MacOS X invalid.

Stay tuned…

[e-Biz] Google’s Android Market feels like Apple’s AppStore

It looks like Google learned from Apple in the question how to distribute content and useful applications to the customer. Google will introduce a marketplace, that is quite similiar to what Apple already introduces as AppStore. As Google puts it: “We chose the term “market” rather than “store” because we feel that developers should have an open and unobstructed environment to make their content available. Similar to YouTube, content can debut in the marketplace after only three simple steps: register as a merchant, upload and describe your content and publish it.

Google also plans to integrate a wide range of statistics and analytic tools to the developers. More infos and more photos to be found here. We feel like Android’s GUI looks like Google learned a lot more from Apple than other companies in this short time. Isn’t it sarcastic, that Google’s CEO Eric Schmidt is member of Apple’s Board of Directors?

[iPhone] QuickPwn 1.0 for MacOS X released

Our fellow iPhone Dev Team yesterday finally released QuickPwn for MacOS X. Sadly the Dev Team in the first place only provided a .torrent link (get torrent here) for distribution. We will come up with further details soon. For now: there are no reports about bugs about this version for Mac ,yet. Use “Archive Utility” to unpack, otherwise permission may be screwed up. Thumbs up for the Dev Team.

SHA1 sum: QuickPwn_1.0.0.tbz (via torrent) = 22ee0d6814a6bac9b1b9a8c7715dd714bd6bb449

[Update] Download QuickPwn 1.0 for Mac from these mirror locations now: RapidShare and iPhone-Hacks.com.

[DVB] Rumors about Nagra 3 Hack

In german speaking forums rumors circulate saying the new crypto system for some european Pay TV providers (D+ / TVCabo, Premiere) Nagra 3 has been commercially hacked.

An emulator smart card called “Centaurus” is said to be available on the european grey markets within the next two weeks. This has not been confirmed, as said: this is rumors only.

More details about the Nagra encryption and Kudelski the company behind.

Update November 14th, 2008: The whole Centaurus shabang is fake.

[iPhone] PwnageTool Release Candidate 3 and QuickPwn Beta updated

Our beloved iPhone Dev Team yesterday released updated versions of QuickPwn for Microsoft Windows (now with improved Windows 64bit handling) and PwnageTool for MacOS X (fixes the permission issue, mentioned here). If you have PwnageTool installed yet, it should bravely auto-update.

We had no time yet to test neither the Windows version nor the Mac version. Firmware 2.0.2 is reported to be only a series of bugfixes. People report, their devices run a little smoother. If you don’t encounter problems running your current iPhone / iPod Touch firmware, we would not recommend to update right now. It is rumored Apple will the release stable firmware 2.1 in september.

» Windows QuickPwn RC3 Download here
» MacOS X PwnageTool Download here (mirror here)…


[e-Biz] Apple to replace MagSafe Power Adapters

Many MacBook and MacBook Pro users already experiences problems with their MagSafe power adapters. Apple now reacts to this issue and replaces all MagSafe adapters no matter if your device is out of warranty or not. Go here to demand a replacement. Apple usually ships within 48hrs to your door.

In contrast to Apple’s shown picture our problem with the rubber molding appears on the other end of the cable.