Author Archives: J. ΞPSTΞÏN

[iPhone] U.S. Antitrust Authorities Overhauling iPhone OS SDK Licence 4.0

Apple’s strategy of a “walled garden” now seems to be inspected by U.S. antitrust authorities. The Wall Street Journal reports that the Federal Trade Commission and the Justice Department are overhauling Apple’s latest license change for the iPhone OS SDK 4.0. Although the process is at a preliminary stage, the interest of antitrust authorities show how powerful Apple has become in the field of mobile computing.

Some critics contend Apple is now engaging in the kind of tactics that got Microsoft Corp. in trouble with antitrust enforcers in the 1990s. “Apple is playing right out of Microsoft’s playbook—and it’s one they complained about a lot,” said David Balto, a former FTC official now at the Center for American Progress, a left-leaning think tank.

Apple could try to head off trouble with antitrust enforcers by changing the terms of its developer agreement, one person familiar with the situation said.


[WebOS] Palm Owner HP Abandons Windows 7 Slate Project

Although Steve Ballmer presented an HP Slate at CES 2010 in january, HP now abandons their Windows 7 slate project. TechnCrunch reports they got an HP inside source telling HP is not satisfied with Windows 7 as a slate operating system.

This news does not come really unexpected, as HP last week acquired Palm and they indicated in a presentation a slate with Palm’s WebOS.

[iPhone] Adobe’s CEO Fires Back at Steve Jobs

On Wall Street Journal Adobe’s CEO Shantanu Narayen yesterday nite answered to Steve Jobs latest attack. Jobs had released an open letter yesterday morning. The bottom line of Jobs’ letter is:

  • Adobe Flash is something from the past, as it is not open,
  • it is not energy efficient and
  • it does not unleash the full powers the individual platforms (meaning: the full power of Apple’s iPhone or iPad).

Narayan responded in the interview, that

  • It’s got nothing to do with technology, but with control.
  • Apple wants to maintain control on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch platforms.
  • he wonders if Flash is one of the most reasons for crashing a Mac, it’s also got much to do with the operating system
  • if hardware acceleration is provided from the operating system, playing Flash takes a lot lesser energy than on a Mac.
  • Flash is an open specification

Well, well, that love is not over. We wonder how far we’re away from the point when Adobe decides to stop developing for the Apple platform? Would Apple even care? Or would they just tell thousands of designers to switch to GIMP?

We hope you don’t mind, we embed the whole interview as Adobe Flash ;-)

[Palm] Hewlett Packard To Acquire Palm For US$1.2 Bill

According to Hewlett Packard’s press release Palm is gonna be acquired fo US$ 1.2 Billion. This means besides HP smart phones, which are running Windows Mobile, they are now entering the smart phone market with Palm’s best asset: WebOS. Anyway picked that HP don’t intend to give up on selling Windows Mobile phones as they

intend to continue to be a strategic partner for Microsoft.

According to Palm will operate as a business unit besides groups like the “Imaging and Printing Group” or “Personal Systems Group” within the HP organization. reports that HP sees WebOS as an ideal platform to strengthen their mobile strategy. The merger is intended to be finished in July 2010.

Our Comment

It’s complicated to estimate the situation of HP and Palm, but HP now bought a company that has lots of patents for the mobile age. We suppose $1.2 billion is not too expensive for a company that also with WebOS offers a superior operating system for mobile devices. HP clearly sees the mobile market is the market of the future. Apple showed how a business model for mobile devices looks like and now all the companies are moving into that direction. With buying Palm, HP tries to take the short cut. Until now they haven’t played a serious role in the mobile App market.

Anyway Microsoft is a strategic partner for HP – has been explicitly said by HP officials – and HP is using Windows Mobile currently on their mobile devices. Moreover Microsoft is to release Windows 7 Mobile to the market at the end of 2010. Windows 7 development will be quite easy as it will be based on Microsoft’s Silverlight technology.

We don’t want to sound too pessimistically but that might bring a new situation to the future of WebOS. As HP is company who then has to estimate if it is cheaper to license another Microsoft operating system – namely Windows 7 Mobile or the put money into developing an own operating system – namely WebOS.

Let’s hope for the best. We really like WebOS a lot and we feel the brand Palm still sounds very good worldwide.

[Media] Newspaper Articles About Copying And File Sharing


According to the RIAA the media industry is suffering heavy losses due to increased copying and file sharing in the last 10 years. Sanity and reason shows there must be something true with that argument. But are the numbers the media companies are providing correct? What can we learn from history?

The following links provide an uncategorized and unsorted mixture of links (in multiple languages) dealing with the topic of copying and file sharing. It is in no way complete and perfect, but is probably usable as a lateral cut thru that topic.

We will update this section frequently. Comments are highly appreciated.


Date Headling Editor/Media Link
1977 Sind Leer-Cassetten der Tod der Schallplatte? (~ “Will blank tapes mark the end of vinyl?”) Bravo Link
1977 “Klang-Supermarkt zum Nulltarif” (~”Sound supermarket for free”) Spiegel Link
Late 1980s “Anti-DAT lobbying” Wikipedia Link
1992 “Audio Home Recording Act” Wikipedia Link
2003 “Studie: Illegale Kopien sind ein internes Problem der Filmindustrie” (~”Study: Illegal Copies Are Internal Problem Of The Filmindustry”) Link
2006 “Studios See Big Rise In Estimates of Losses To Movie Piracy” Wall Street Journal Link
2006 “Raubkopie-Studie: Hollywood verliert 6 Milliarden Dollar” (~”Illegal Copy Study: Hollywood Loses 6 Billion US$”) Link
2009 “Hollywood-Studio will Suchmaschinen kontrollieren” (~”Hollywood Studio Aiming At Control Of Internet Search Engines”) Link
2009 “How UK Government spun 136 people into 7m illegal file sharers” Link
2009 “Blu-ray kann weltweiten DVD-Verkaufsrückgang nicht auffangen” (~”Worldwide Blu-Ray Sales Don’t Compensate Reduced DVD Sales”) Link
2009 “Blu-ray Disc zieht an – DVD-Verkäufe rückläufig” (~”Blu-Ray Sales Increasing – DVD Sales Decreasing”) Big Screen Link
2009 “Artists’ lawsuit: major record labels are the real pirates”) Ars Technica Link
2009 “Sind Labels die wahren Piraten? Musiker verklagen kanadische Musikindustrie” (~”Are Labels The Real Pirates? Musicians Sue Canadian Musicindustry”) Tom’s Hardware Link
2010 “Observations on Efforts to Quantify the Economic Effects of Counterfeit and Pirated Goods” U.S. Government
Accountability Office
2010 “Verluste durch Filesharing sind stark übertrieben” (~”Losses From File Sharing Massively Exaggerated”) Big Screen Link
2010 “Seagate to preload hard drives with movies” Financial Times Link

[Pre] Comprehension Of Palm’s Developer Day

The diligent ppl from report, what this automn will come from Palm:

  • Microphone Access via API
  • Camera Access via API
  • Bluetooth Serial Port Profile
  • Bonjour/Zeroconf support
  • Background services are gonna be switched from Java to Javascript to speed up processing
  • HTML5
  • Mojo Core: web Apps can include a little portion of added lines to offer Mojo services (like Geolocatation etc.)
  • Improved App Catalogue

Read all of the news in detail at

[iPad] Israel Allows Import Of iPads (Update)

On saturday, 24ht Israel’s Minister of Communications released a press statement. Israel now approved the import of Apple’s iPads to Israel.

The scrutiny conducted by the Ministry technical team vis-à-vis Apple’s
team, International laboratory and European counterparts confirmed that
the device which could be operated in various standards will be operated
in Israel in accordance to the local standards.

Update: According to german iPads need to be used with Hebrew language as regional settings, otherwise iPads might be doing probe requests on 5 GHz channels, which are illegal to be used in Israel.

[iPhone] ThunderSt0rm is Fake – Don’t Install

According to two tools have appeared on the net:

  • ThunderSt0rm and
  • TurboSn0w

Both of them are fakes and don’t jailbreak the iPhone, the iPod Touch, nor the iPad, but harm your system and delete iTunes files. Thus leaving you with broken installations.

[Apple] Certified Apps Only As Of Mac OS X 10.7?

According to Apple plans to set up an App Store starting with the introduction of Mac OS X 10.7.

Developers planning on marketing software for 10.7 will submit their products to the App Store as iPhone and now iPad developers have already done. 10.7 will have kernel support for (‘insistence on’) binaries signed with Apple’s root certificate.

No software will be able to run on Mac OS X 10.7 without being approved and signed by Apple, Inc.

According to allegedly Steve Jobs has answered a direct request send to him by Fernando Valente of Chiaro Software. Valente asked him:

There’s a rumor saying there will be a Mac App Store and no software without authorization from Apple will run on Mac OS X. Is that true)

According to the mail Steve Jobs (or someone managing his email account) simply answered:


Anyway: you cannot be sure what his answer specifically means. Probably we’re gonna need jailbreaks for Mac OS X in the near future anyhow…

[Pre] Baseband Downgrade Tool For Rebel SIM Unlock

The proxy unlock seller of the Rebel SIM has just released a tool to downgrade the Palm Pre’s baseband to re-allow proxy SIM unlocking with their Rebel SIM. Find the manual here.

As we don’t have exact information about how the Rebel SIM works we suspect it’s based on the same background as the iPhone proxy SIM’s.

As there are serious security and legality implications concerning using proxy SIM unlocked devices on networks, you’d better stop by here to read what the iPhone Dev Team found out about proxy SIMs.