During the last few minutes of the desastrous game against the Netherlands, Donadoni is at the end of his tether. Find the whole playlist here…
See for yourself:
During the last few minutes of the desastrous game against the Netherlands, Donadoni is at the end of his tether. Find the whole playlist here…
See for yourself:
Besides yet expected news about the new 3G iPhone (we reported here), Apple’s chief of software development Bertrand Serlet also announced details of the upcoming operating system OS X 10.6 (“Snow Leopard”). Snow Leopard will feature:
All in all Apple said they wanted to improve quality of their product. We feel integration of MS Exchange is good step into that direction. But we still hope for working IMAP integration, aswell. Snow Leopard will be released in June 2009. We estimate that developers can expect first beta versions at latest in january.
Ok here we go with the details about the new 3G iPhone. Steve Jobs revealed it about one hours ago on the Apple WWDC in San Francisco.
Technical details
Introduction to the markets begin with July 11th and will be rolled out in more than 70 countries (see complete list here). The prices for the US market will be 199$ for the 8GB modell and 299$ for the 16GB modell. We suspect the low prices result from cheaper manufacturing costs for the plastic backside and from higher amounts of produced devices. The new iPhone 2.0 firmware will be available to customers of the old iPhone and iPod touch at the same time.
We will come back to this new iPhone once we got hold of one. Anyway, although in many countries the iPhone will be offered by more then just one carrier, we suspect it still to be SIM locked. So don’t buy it until we tell you how to SIM free and jailbreak ;-)
It’s been reported, Apple’s plans to apply a new strategy against unlocking and jailbreaking. AT&T in the US and O2 in the UK will force consumers to sign the contract first before they get their hands on one of those new 3G iPhones. We expect this activation strategy to be implemented worldwide, although it has not been confirmed in other countries, yet. If this is true the grey market of iPhones would most likely be destroyed. But let’s see what really happens on july, 11th.
Yes, Steve really gave us what we wanted to have so desperately. See the video of a pre-presentation here:
Yes viruses are spread around the world every day. There is nothing new to this. But the GPCODE virus
that now has been reported in the wild is different. It encrypts files on your harddisk and permanently deletes the old files. In the end you would need to contact the virus author to be the decryption key to gain to your files access.
You think we are kidding? Nop. We’re not. Kaspersky – one of the leading companies in the Anti-Virus business filed an appeal to all cryptographers around the world to fight the encryption of this virus. The worst thing is: the virus authors use an RSA 1024bit key to encrypt your data. RSA 1024 bit is still quite secure these days (see Wikipedia for cracked RSA’s here). There have been successful attempts to brute force factors only for RSA 640bits. Kaspersky estimates we need 15million computers in distributed computing to hack that key… erm… yes 15million…
What you can do
Positive news is that this virus seems to appear infrequently. We have not yet found a copy of that virus on our own researches in the underground networks. This means currently the threat probability is medium. Anyway staying clean is not too complicated:
If you are attacked by that virus and already have it on your system, you will see a messagebox saying:
Your files are encrypted with RSA-1024 algorithm.
To recovery your files you need to buy our decryptor.
To buy decrypting tool contact us at: [removed]@yahoo.com
=== BEGIN ===
[key removed]
=== END ===
there is not too much you can do currently. Kaspersky recommends not turning of or rebooting the computer. Instead contact Kaspersky under stopgpcode@kaspersky.com using a second computer. Please provide detailed information how you obtained this virus (means: which torrent site etc.).
Infected file formats
These are the suffixes (extensions) of files that will be affected by GPCODE:
7z | abk | abd | acad |
arh | arj | ace | arx |
asm | bz | bz2 | bak |
bcb | c | cc | cdb |
cdw | cdr | cer | cgi |
chm | cnt | cpp | css |
csv | db | db1 | db2 |
db3 | db4 | dba | dbb |
dbc | dbd | dbe | dbf |
dbt | dbm | dbo | dbq |
dbt | dbx | Djvu | doc |
dok | dpr | dwg | dxf |
ebd | eml | eni | ert |
fax | flb | frm | frt |
frx | frg | gtd | gz |
gzip | gfa | gfr | gfd |
h | inc | igs | iges |
jar | jad | Java | jpg |
jpeg | Jfif | jpe | js |
jsp | hpp | htm | html |
key | kwm | Ldif | lst |
lsp | lzh | lzw | ldr |
man | mdb | mht | mmf |
mns | mnb | mnu | mo |
msb | msg | mxl | old |
p12 | pak | pas | |
pem | pfx | php | php3 |
php4 | pl | prf | pgp |
prx | pst | pw | pwa |
pwl | pwm | pm3 | pm4 |
pm5 | pm6 | rar | rmr |
rnd | rtf | Safe | sar |
sig | sql | tar | tbb |
tbk | tdf | tgz | tbb |
txt | uue | vb | vcf |
wab | xls | xml |
As seen in the past, the spammers steal our valuable life time with sending us porn, drugs and software offers, that we would never have dreamed of. The question is: where do those spammers get the email addresses from? And there are two simple answers.
First being the problem that anyone having a website, mostly also has provided a valid email address for contact purposes. Here in germany in most cases we are even legally obliged to provide such an address as imprint (Impressum). So spammers send robots to the net and harvest all those email addresses and write them back into databases and let them grow and grow. And after a while honorable databases have been generated with lots of email addresses.
Second being the problem that many administrators of forums offer their user databases as well to spammers, although they are not allowed to. Anyway it happens much too often.
At least for the second problem a solution has evolved. It is called “one time email addresses” or “trash email addresses”. Those addresses are valid for a particular amount of time and will cease to work after that.
One of those websites offering such services is http://www.guerrillamail.com/. They provide us with an email address that is working at least for 15 minutes. If that is too short you can manually prolong that address for another 15 minutes by simply clicking a button. We did not try to prolong for the maximum possible amount of time – so we don’t know. But we suspect there may be a time limitation.
When will you actively stop distributing your real email address on the net?
The first mod chip has been released a couple of days for the Playstation 3 (PS3). It allows installation of any firmware revision you prefer for your best gaming experience, means you can up- and downgrade to whatever firmware you like (see video below). And no: it does not allow playing backups of your games. Even if you could afford a blu ray burner you cannot backup PS3 games currently.
The interesting point is: this chip is platform independent and can also be installed into Nintendo’s Wii or Microsoft’s XBOX 360. Since we don’t know for sure about the legal situation for such a mod chip in our beloved Germanistan, we will not include any links in this article. You know how to find, otherwise you would not be here ;-) Thanks for your understanding.
Update 02.07.2008: MacOS X 10.5.4 is out now. See our notes here.
I. Abstract
Three days ago (May, 28th) Leopard update 10.5.3 has been released. It solves several security issues and application issues (read details here). So sumed up: you should update. Being on a Hackint0sh we need to take some things into consideration because we cannot use the built-in auto update.
The following article shows how to upgrade your Intel based Hackintosh to version 10.5.3. The approach is pretty much the same like updating to 10.5.2 and can be applied to both updates.
One limitation: the whole update process is currently only applicable to close-to-original-mac-hardware and is being done manually. Note: we did not test this on AMD based Hackintoshs.
Note to first timers: after having installed the update. The updater asks you to reboot. Do not hit the restart button eventually, instead read on. Some more steps need to be applied before you are allowed to reboot. Don’t say, we didn’t warn you!
II. Enable root user
In case you did not enable root user access to your system yet, this is a good time to do that. This has been described a thousand times elsewhere, so we won’t delve into this too deep:
Directory Utility.app
to allow changes (!)Edit
> Enable root user
> supply password of your choice
III. Obtain update package
For manual update we need to get the updater.
IV. Back up important data and custom kexts
Backup important data like
Don’t say we didn’t warn you in case anything goes wrong for whatever reason. After having done the backup of your personal data, do the backup for your system specific kexts.
Most simple way is using a terminal. Do the following:
That kexts might be:
This highly depends on your hardware. I am running an ASUS P5LD2 VM DH with a Sapphire HD 2600 XT. In my case I only need to backup my Natit.kext
device driver and dsmos.kext
, because history taught me a strange lesson once.
V. Use monitoring script
Since AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext
would simply kill our systems we need to make sure it does not become loaded into the kernel. So netkas supplied a little command line, which monitors the install of that file and if found removes it. You need to be logged in as root:
hackint0sh$ while sleep 1 ; do rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelCPUPowerManagement.kext ; done
This command line must run until the end of the update.
VI. Process the update
Just mount your downloaded MacOSXUpdCombo10.5.3.dmg
and begin your update. When the update process is complete
! ! ! ! _ d o n ‘ t _ i n s t a n t l y _ c l i c k _ r e s t a r t _ ! ! ! !
Instead of restarting, stop the while
command line from step V. Stop it by hitting CTRL and C
and read on, but don’t restart your system, until we say it.
VII. Modify startup script
Sadly, we are not running OS X on original hardware. The consequence is we are missing a chip for the fan control that holds a specific key (Alexander Graf told about the details here – german only). This key is necessary to run the graphical interface Aqua of Mac OS X (in fact: this key decodes the binaries – details about the binary protection are provided by Amit Singh here).
To make a long story short: we don’t want the operating system to look for that specific chip and key, we can supply it easier (via emulator). Netkas provided the emulator called dsmos.kext
(kernel extension) for that problem as well.
Simply do the following (I assume you know how to use nano, you can also use vi or whatever you prefer).
hackint0sh$ nano /System/InstallAtStartup/scripts/1
In that 1 file there must be a line of code like this (old)
/System/Library/Extensions/Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext
This needs to be changed to this (new):
Then save and exit. Using nano
simply click CTRL and X
, you will be asked if you wanna save before exiting.
VIII. Restoring kexts
We highly recommend you are logged in as root on a command line. In step IV. you saved your specific kexts. Now is the time to recover them to this folder:
We will not explain how to use the copy command: this is the learning curve for today 8-))
IX. Reboot your machine
After having restored your system specific kexts. You reboot your machine. On first reboot, screen will not show the GUI but will show a black screen for about 3 minutes. It will then reboot again and it will take about 3 minutes again to show you the GUI (in our case the login window).
Shouts fly out to Netkas who’d better call himself +netkas and to Davil Elliott ;-) Live long and prosper, dudes!
And finally a word by our sponsor, who reduces our costs for this project at least a bit. Take them advertisments into consideration, would you? Thanks in advance!
Ähnlich wie zur WM 2006 werden auch zur EM wieder große Public Viewing Veranstaltungen stattfinden, neben dem, was in den Bars und Cafés in den einzelnen Stadtteilen angeboten wird. Wer also lieber gemütlich sitzen möchte, sollte vielleicht doch lieber in seinem Kiez bleiben…
Folgende Großveranstaltungen werden stattfinden:
EM Fanmeile | |||
Brandenburger Tor | 23. – 29. Juni | Eintritt frei, nur Halbfinale und Finale (?) | Str. des 17. Juni (»Stadtplan) |
| | |||
Citadel Music Festival- Familien Fußball Fest | |||
Wo? | 07. – 29. Juni | Eintritt frei, Clowns, Showartistik, Zirkusschule |
? |
| | |||
Kulturbrauerei im European Village | |||
Kulturbrauerei | 07. – 29. Juni | Eintritt bei Deutschlandspielen: 3 Euro, sonst frei | Knaackstr. Ecke Danzigerstr. (»Stadtplan) |
| | |||
Fußballtempel am Hauptbahnhof | |||
Spreestrand | 07. – 29. Juni | Eintritt frei | Friedrich-List-Ufer 6, (»Stadtplan) |
| | |||
11 Freunde EM Quartier | |||
Arena (Fuhrpark) | 07. – 29. Juni | Eintritt frei, Liegestühle inbegriffen | Eichenstr. 4 (»Stadtplan) |
| | |||
EM Studio Mitte | |||
Admiralspalast | 07. – 29. Juni | Eintritt frei, Prominenz wird erwartet | Friedrichstr. 101 (»Stadtplan) |
| | |||
Strandbars, Biergärten etc. | |||
Strandgut | 07. – 29. Juni | Eintritt ? | Mühlenstr. 61 (»Stadtplan) |
Deck 5 | 07. – 29. Juni | Eintritt ? | Schönhauser Allee 80 (»Stadtplan) |
Bundespressestrand | 07. – 29. Juni | Eintritt 6 Euro (incl. 1 Getränk) | Kapelle-Ufer 1 (»Stadtplan) |
Golgatha | 07. – 29. Juni | Eintritt frei | Viktoriapark (»Stadtplan) |
Pfefferberg | 07. – 29. Juni | Eintritt ? | Schönhauser Allee 176 (»Stadtplan) |
Aktualisierungen vorgesehen, dennoch: alle Angaben ohne Gewähr.
This might be interesting for you: | |
Es ist wieder soweit. Die WM ist schon wieder zwei Jahre her und da beginnt auch schon wieder die EM. Im Folgenden der Spielplan mit Uhrzeiten und TV Sendern. Aktualisierungen inbegriffen. Bei schönen Wetter kann man die EM natürlich auch draußen mit Freunden auf einer Public-Viewing Veranstaltung (Liste hier) genießen, ist eh schöner als zu Hause.
Übrigens kann man bei unserem Sponsor (auf dieser Seite oben Links) vermutlich noch Karten für die Spiele bekommen, um Live und Vorort unserer 11 die Daumen zu drücken…
Spiele der Gruppen
Samstag, 07. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe A | 18.00h ZDF | Schweiz – Tschechische Republik | 0:1 |
Gruppe A | 20.45h ZDF | Portugal – Türkei | 2:0 |
Sonntag, 08. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe B | 18.00h ZDF | Austria – Kroatien | 0:1 |
Gruppe B | 20.45h ZDF | Deutschland – Polen | 2:0 |
Montag, 09. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe C | 18.00h ARD | Rumänien – Frankreich | 0:0 |
Gruppe C | 20.45h ARD | Niederlande – Italien | 3:0 |
Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe D | 18.00h ARD | Spanien – Russland | 4:1 |
Gruppe D | 20.45h ARD | Griechenland – Schweden | 0:2 |
Mittwoch, 11. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe A | 18.00h ZDF | Tschechische Republik – Portugal | 1:3 |
Gruppe A | 20.45h ZDF | Schweiz – Türkei | 1:2 |
Donnerstag, 12. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe B | 18.00h ZDF | Kroatien – Deutschland | 2:1 |
Gruppe B | 20.45h ZDF | Österreich – Polen | 1:1 |
Freitag, 13. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe C | 18.00h ARD | Italien – Rumänien | 1:1 |
Gruppe C | 20.45h ARD | Niederlande – Frankreich | 4:1 |
Samstag, 14. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe D | 18.00h ARD | Schweden – Spanien | 1:2 |
Gruppe D | 20.45h ZDF | Griechenland – Russland | 0:1 |
Sonntag, 15. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe A | 20.45h |
Schweiz – Portugal (nicht im dt. TV) | 2:0 |
Gruppe A | 20.45h ZDF | Türkei – Tschechische Republik | 3:2 |
Montag, 16. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe B | 20.45h |
Polen – Kroatien (nicht im dt. TV) | 0:1 |
Gruppe B | 20.45h ARD | Österreich – Deutschland | 0:1 |
Dienstag, 17. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe C | 20.45h |
Niederlande – Rumänien (nicht im dt. TV) | 2:0 |
Gruppe C | 20.45h ZDF | Frankreich – Italien | 0:2 |
Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2008 | |||
Gruppe D | 20.45h ARD | Griechenland – Spanien | 1:2 |
Gruppe D | 20.45h ARD | Russland – Schweden | 2:0 |
| |
Eine kurze Werbeunterbrechung…
Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2008 | |||
Viertelfinale | 20.45 ARD | 1. Gruppe A (Portugal) – 2. Gruppe B (Deutschland) |
2:3 |
Freitag, 20. Juni 2008 | |||
Viertelfinale | 20.45h ARD | 1. Gruppe B (Kroatien) – 2. Gruppe A (Türkei) |
1:3 (Elfmeterschießen) |
Samstag, 21. Juni 2008 | |||
Viertelfinale | 20.45h ARD | 1. Gruppe C (Niederlande) – 2. Gruppe D (Russland) |
1:3 (nach Verlängerung) |
Sonntag, 22. Juni 2008 | |||
Viertelfinale | 20.45h ARD | 1. Gruppe D (Spanien) – 2. Gruppe C (Italien) |
4:2 (Elfmeterschießen) |
| |
Mittwoch, 25. Juni 2008 | |||
Halbfinale | 20.45h ZDF | Sieger 19. Juni (Deutschland) – Sieger 20. Juni (Türkei) |
Donnerstag, 26. Juni 2008 | |||
Halbfinale | 20.45h ZDF | Sieger 21. Juni (Russland) – Sieger 22. Juni (Spanien) |
| |
Sonntag, 29. Juni 2008 | |||
Finale | 20.45h ARD | Sieger 25. Juni – Sieger 26. Juni |
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr!!!
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