[MultiPlatform] Microsoft Live Mesh Beta now online

Live Mesh is part of Microsoft’s new online activities. In contrast to Apple’s MobleMe it concentrates on syncing files and folders from different PCs and Macs. It currently does not include syncing of addressbook entries, calendars or mails. Anyway Live Mesh is free.

Microsoft offers 5GB harddisk space that can be accessed using their Live Mesh client software (available for Windows and Mac) or thru their website.

[Games] GTA 4 for PC – Release in December

Rockstar Games eventually releases Grand Theft Auto 4 for the PC gaming community. December 2nd, 2008 will be the day when people will raid over gaming stores all over the world. It is for sure that this game will be the megaseller in december as it has proved for the console gamers in may.

In contrast to the console version the PC version requires online activation – but Rockstar learned from the Spore desaster and lets you activate your copy of GTA4 as often as you like and once activated it simply runs, no annoying re-activations required.

As a bonus feature for the PC community Rockstar included a video editor (see video below). Using the video editor you can record and convert videos of your most stunning stunts and actions scenes. Anyway we never missed it when playing the PS3 version.

Operating System Microsoft Windows Vista or Windows XP
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo 1.8GHz

AMD Athlon X2 64 2.4GHz

Memory Running Vista: 1.5GB

Running XP: 1GB

Graphics Nvidia 7900 (min 256MB) or better

ATI X1900 (min 256MB) or better

Harddisk 16 GB free space

The video is courtesy of Golem.de

[iPhone] Venezuelan iPhone 3G Hack is Fake

The spanish speaking blog Maczalandia reported some days ago that a venezuelan team around the hacker Gabo managed to hack the 3G iPhone. After having examined the custom firmware provided by the team, the iPhone Dev Team found this is a fake. The custom ipsw is usable with 2G iPhones only and… has… been prepared with the iPhone Dev Team’s Pwnage Tool. More infos to be found on the hackint0sh blog.

[MacOS] Switcher’s Hints 1001: Most Helpful Shortcuts

Mac OS is much more depending on mouse commands than Microsoft Windows. Anyway there are some shortcuts that make your switcher’s lives easier.

Cmd-Tab change between programs (not between windows)
Fn-F9 thumbnail overview of all windows
Alt-Cmd-Esc kill programs instantly
Shift-Cmd-3 screenshot of whole screen (saves on desktop)
Shift-Cmd-4 select part of the screen for screenshot (saves on desktop)
Shift-Cmd-4 + Space select active window for screenshot (saves on desktop)
Esc (in textfields) auto complete
Cmd-PageDown execute program/open subfolder (like return-key in MS-Windows)
Alt-Eject instantly eject CD/DVD
Alt-Cmd-Eject instantly go to sleep mode

Cmd-Key = Apple-Key

[Microsoft] MSN Germany to launch free Movie portal

The future of video-on-demand seems to begin soon. Microsoft Germany announced to launch their MSN Movie Portal. Launch date is set to November 17th, 2008 (monday) – means tomorrow. About hundred movies, TV-series and animations Microsoft will be offered for free watching. As like private TV channels MSN will apply commercial breaks every ten minutes. Per hour customers will have to watch 12 minutes of advertisements.

» MSN Germany

[Microsoft] Microsoftstore launched

Microsoft is entering the online world rapidly. Microsoft products are available for download online as of now in selected countries – aka the largest markets. The store is available in the following countries: U.S.A., U.K., Germany and Korea. More countries to come soon. Prices seem fairly the same like when buying the retail versions. At least in Germany the store currently does not include products of the Mac Business Unit (MBU) like Office 2008 for Mac.

» Microsoftstore

[MacOS] Switcher’s Hints 1001: Change the Dock to 2D

You don’t like the Dock in 3D? You like it in 2D but sadly this is available only if you put the Dock to the left or the right side of the screen? There is a simply command that can help you :-)

Changing the Dock to 2D

Just open a terminal and do the following:

  • myUser$ defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean YES
  • myUser$ killall Dock

Et voilà, it looks like this:

Changing the Dock back to 3D

In case you want to change it back to 3D for whatever reason, do this:

  • myUser$ defaults write com.apple.dock no-glass -boolean NO
  • myUser$ killall Dock

And it looks again like default:

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[MacOS] Parallels Desktop 4.0 released

Virtualization technologies on the Mac operating system reach a new step. Parallels Desktop’s most exciting feature that has been added is the possibility of virtualizing Mac OS Leopard Server and even Mac OS Snow Leopard.

More new features:

  • iPhone support: start, stop and manage Windows virtual machines from the iPhone
  • Anti Virus and Firewall: includes Kaspersky Internet Security for virtual Windows machines
  • Backup solution: includes Acronis True Image Home version

People having bought Parallels 3.0 since September 1st, 2008 are eligible for free update, otherwise an update fee of 49$ will apply (or 39$ if you order before November 30st, 2008).

» Parallels 4.0 features

[USA] Berlin loves Obama

There have been enduring discussions about european anti-americanism. The truth is: the so called anti-americanism always was disappointed love. And that disappointment now turned back into unlimited love. The american messiah has arrived.

What happened? The whole world was deeply sympathetic with the US when the World Trade Centers were attacked and thousands of innocent people have been killed because of ideologic hate-filled maniacs. And then? America’s leaders completely lost control over what their aims were. An Iraq War with loads of bogus proofs. Iraqi oil for the US but no real peace weather in Iraq nor in Afghanistan. At least Europe was deeply frustrated from what the Bush administration was doing then.

But the american people now showed the world that they “can” and they want to convince themselves and the world that a better world is possible. Though he will not be able to solve all the problems at once, his election is the first right step into the 21st century.

May he and his family live long and prosper and may he set free all the good powers that have been suppressed so long. Berlin loves Obama. Keep on smiling, man. Your smile heals the world.

[Callmobile] Softwarefehler erleichtert Kunden um €1.500

Kunden des T-Mobile Resellers Callmobile dürften heute einen gehörigen Schreck bekommen haben. Die automatische Aufladungs-SMS beinhaltete heute folgenden Text:

Da Ihr Konto einen negativen Betrag aufweist, haben wir Ihre SIM-Karten gesperrt. Diese wird entsperrt, sobald Sie Ihr Konto aufgeladen haben. Von callmobile.de

und die nächste SMS lautete etwa (Zahlen können abweichen):

Ihr Konto wurde mit einem Betrag von €15,00 aufgeladen. Ihr Kontostand beträgt jetzt €-1503,85. Von callmobile.de

Richtig gelesen. Eintausendfünfhundert Euro im Soll. Nach dem Einloggen in das Callmobile System zeigten sich folgende Fehler bei der Berechnung der verbrauchten Daten-Einheiten:

Unser Tipp:

Sofort bei Callmobile.de anrufen unter 01805-777464 und automatische Aufladung der Karte deaktivieren lassen, sonst wird aufgeladen, bis das Callmobile Sollkonto wieder ausgeglichen ist.

Die Aufladungen erfolgen etwa alle fünf Minuten. Bei einem o.a. Soll von €1.500,00 und einer voreingestellten Aufladung von €15,00 bedeutet dies, dass das verknüpfte Bankkonto binnen der nächsten 10 Stunden um €1.500,00 erleichtert würde.

Weitere Infos:

Wegen der sofort eingerichteten Sperrung kann zwar der Anschluss angerufen werden, es sind jedoch keine abgehenden Gespräche möglich.

Danke an Steffen für die Infos.