[iPhone] iPhone Lite exclusively on Verizon Wireless?

Businessweek.com reports that there are rumors about an iPhone Lite and an Apple Media Pad. Both could be distributed exclusively by Verizon Wireless. One or both of the devices  could be introduced in this summer. Businessweek writes they were talking to someone who got his hands on a prototype of the iPhone Lite already. Moreover Verizon Wireless CEO Lowell McAdam confirmed that he has been talking to Steve Jobs during the last six months.Verizon Wireless is a U.S. american joint venture of Verizon Communications and the british Vodafone.

Businessweek writes as there is no deal done yet, from Apple’s point of view the Verizon talks may be helpful on certain levels. Verizon is also a potential Palm Pre distributer aswell as Sprint Nextel. Talks between Apple and Verizon could delay the introduction of Palm’s Pre. In contrast to Sprint who got 35 million customers a Palm Pre on Verizon could be a much harder competitor as they got 86 million customers. Moreover Apple can also use these talks to put pressure on AT&T to incur more expenses of the iPhone manufacturing.

Our comment

Remember this is rumors. We feel it is quite unlikely that Apple will no prolong their partnership with AT&T.

»Businessweek.com: New Gear from Apple and Verizon Wireless

[Windows] Windows 7 to be 100% Compatible to XP

The WinSuperSite reports today that Windows 7 will include a very nice feature called Windows XP Mode (XPM). By having this mode available Windows 7 will be able to run almost any Windows program that is currently available on the market.

What is XPM?

XPM is a technology that is derived from the Virtual PC technology. Meaning: XPM is a complete Windows XP with SP3 included. In contrast to earlier Virtual PC environments XPM will not require to run Windows XP as a separated desktop. In fact, XPM installed applications are published to Windows 7 aswell and will appear as if they were native Windows 7 applications. Shortcuts will be put into the Windows 7 Start Menu. Windows XP and Windows 7 applications can thus be run side by side.

Availability of XPM

Windows 7 Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate users will be allowed to download XPM from Microsoft’s website. It will not be shipped with the Windows 7 boxes.

More information

» WindowsSuperSite: Revealing Windows XP Mode for Windows 7

This screenshot is courtesy of WindowsSuperSite. Find a lot more screenshots here.

[MacOS] Snow Leopard Beta Build 10A335 Seeded

As of yesterday Apple seeds the latest Snow Leopard Beta to developers. According to AppleInsider it includes some bugfixes

  • bug fixes in QuickTime X Player
  • bug fixes in Rosetta
  • bug fixes in Migration Assistant
  • bug fixes in Disk Utility

The Snow Leopard Server beta is also seeded to devs and there are some notable new features in it:

  • update to Podcast Producer
  • new junk mail filter for Mail Server
  • new account creation in Calendar Server
  • new certificate management

[News] Censorship Flush 0.9 beta in Germany

In order to fight child pornography, last week’s friday,  german internet access providers “Deutsche Telekom”, “Vodafone/Arcor”, “Hansenet/Alice”, “Telefonica/02” signed contracts with the Bundeskriminalamt BKA (Federal Criminal Police Office) to implement technical bans to block access to certain webservers. As exploiting children for sexual abuse is one of the most horrible things we as parents could ever imagine, child pornography surely is a topic that needs to be dealt with.

The Censorship Strategy aka Operation Freedom Fright

The issue here is: the current notion in this censorship fight is emphasizing the danger of “opportunity criminals becoming addictive to child porn through spam mails” said Federal Minister for Family Affairs Ursula von der Leyen (1). Ursula von der Leyen’s strategy now is to block access to those webservers providing child pornography.

You see the tiny problem here. Or as the the german Gesellschaft für Informatik – G.I.  (Society for Computer Sciences) writes in a press release (german only), they seriously doubt that blocking websites will have an impact on the distribution of child pornography at all. The next problem is: who decides which webserver will be added to this blocklist? The answer is the BKA, no judge will be consulted. We currently tend to name this “operation freedom fright”.

This comes only two weeks after the german wikileaks.de page has been removed from the internet by german authorities, because wikileaks.de released parts of an australian blocklist. Besides illegal child pornography the australian blocklist contained many websites with political information. According to the world wide wikileaks.org page Germany and China are the only countries who want to block the complete wikileaks pages.

What technically will be done

To maintain all our freedom on the internet the BKA will send blocklists to the providers every day. When trying to access a website that is on the list, the user will instead receive a stop sign that tells him, he has tried to access a site containing illegal material. People accessing the stop sign are getting logged and their IP addresses are sent to the BKA.

Technically this blockage will be realized through DNS poisoning – meaning: resolving of internet addresses like porn.i-like.com will not be resolved into 123.45.678.901, but instead into the IP address where the stop sign will be shown.

It does not need a genius to see that this censorship technique can and will be defeated very easy. And thus the efficiency will most likely be quite marginal. Youtube.com by now provides a 27sec running video that shows the necessary steps to use a foreign DNS server that does not block certain websites.

So blocking access to servers providing illegal material is like building a wall around those servers without doing any harm to the servers themselves. You may ask if this is an efficient strategy for fighting child pornography?

What should be done

The G.I. says this is far away from being an efficient strategy, because in contrast to the distribution of bootlegged cinema movie copies or music, child pornography gets distributed via websites only in an estimated few cases. “In fact child pornography cannot be accessed directly on the internet. The addresses are only known to insiders. The addresses are accessed only by closed groups of users via peer2peer networks.” (2)

Almost the same is reported by the german c’t Magazin (german only). The c’t Magazin interviewed a specialized investigator of the Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen (State Office of Criminal Investigation). He said “Producers of hard child pornography deliver those products only via postal services. The internet is used for communication purposes, but not for transport or distribution.” (3)

Instead of just blocking those sites. The G.I. recommend to prosecute the visitors and the maintainers of such sites at the maximum extend of the law. “Those who commit such crimes to children are not getting caught and convicted by blocking websites” (4).

The c’t Magazin furthermore reported about an experiment conducted by the german Carechild organization. They used a surfaced blacklist from Denmark where a blocking system has already been installed by internet providers. Carechild “used 20 addresses from the surfaced danish blocklist. 17 were hosted in the U.S., 1 in the Netherlands, South Korea and England. Carechild wrote to the abuse-email-addresses of the hosting providers of these servers and asked for removal of the illegal content. The result: 8 U.S. american providers reacted within the first 3 hours after sending the email by shutting down the domains in question. Within a day 16 addresses were no more accessable anymore. For 3 addresses the provider declared either the website does not infringe laws or the website’s operator could proof ages of the actors.” (5)

You may ask if a blocklist is more efficient then telling the hosting providers of possible abuse?

The German Fear

By saying child porn has to be stopped censoring of information on the internet begins. What are the next steps of the German government? Will this be the second time within 80 years to implement dangerous censorship? Will the government follow the role model of Sweden and Denmark? These countries not only censor access to child pornography but also to sites which offer content that is wished by lobbyists to be not accessable like the PirateBay.org. The german Chaos Computer Club renamed Ursula von der Leyen recently to “Zensursula” (a german mixture of the german word “Zensur” for “censorship” and “Ursula”, her forename).

And media industry’s lobbyists are also prepared here in Germany. Dieter Gorny already said he fully supports Ursula von der Leyen’s approach. “It is all about societal desired regulation on the internet, and protection of intellectual property is also a part of that.” (6) Using the notion societal desired regulation really seems impertinent, as he means the opposite: the media industry’s lobbyists would do everything to add some websites to the BKA blocklist. And this could be the end of freedom to german internet users. In the meantime the Arbeitskreis Zensur (working party censorship) has been setup. They say: the german government “is campaigning for the next election on the back of abused children, they protect wrongdoers, they disregard prosecution and the setup an internet censorship infrastructur under the BKA’s control that is adverse to the Grundgesetz (Basic Constitutional Law of Germany).” (7)

But besides tech magazines even serious newspapers begin to feel there is something strange going on in Germanistan. Die Zeit reports that the current draft law sadly is in no way democratic. As “weather a judge, nor a parliamentary control comission, nor a data protection commissioner check the blocklists. The BKA will be investigator, plaintiff, and judge in one person. (..) No omnipotence for the BKA.” (8)

The c’t Magazin writes “it is only a matter of time until also radical political positions will be filtered. Then only one thing would be missing to gain a perfect tool for mass censorship: a law that prohibits the circumvention of the blocklists.” (9)


(1) cf. TAZ: “Stoppsymbol statt Kinderporno” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Es ist im besten Sinne Prävention, wenn wir die durch Spam-Mails angefixte Gelegenheitstäter davor bewahren, süchtig zu werden”

(2) cf. Gesellschaft für Informatik: “GI fordert ernsthafte Verfolgung von Kinderpornographie” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Tatsächlich kann im Internet nicht direkt auf Kinderpornografie zugegriffen werden. Die Adressen sind meist nur Eingeweihten bekannt und zugegriffen wird hauptsächlich in geschlossenen Benutzergruppen über Peer-to-Peer Netzwerke.”.

(3) cf. c’t Magazin: “Verschleierungstaktik” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Die Erzeuger harter Kinderpornografie beliefern ihre zahlenden Kunden in der Regel über den Postweg. Das Internet dient zwar zur Kommunikation, nicht aber als Transportmedium.”

(4) cf.  Gesellschaft für Informatik: “GI fordert ernsthafte Verfolgung von Kinderpornographie” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Sperrungen bewirken nicht, dass diejenigen, die Verbrechen an Kindern begehen, gefasst und verurteilt werden.”

(5) cf. c’t Magazin: “Verschleierungstaktik” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Sie verwendete dazu 20 Adressen aus der im Netz aufgetauchten dänischen Sperrliste. 17 der Seiten waren in den USA gehostet, jeweils eine in den Niederlanden, Südkorea und England. Carechild schrieb an die Abuse-Mail-Adressen der Hostingprovider und bat um Entfernung der Inhalte. Das Ergebnis: acht US-amerikanische Provider haben die Domains innerhalb der ersten drei Stunden nach Versand der Mitteilung abgeschaltet. Innerhalb eines Tages waren 16 Adressen nicht mehr erreichbar, bei drei Websites teilte der jeweilige Provider laut Carechild glaubhaft mit, dass die Inhalte nach augenscheinlicher Prüfung keine Gesetze verletzen oder der Betreiber für die abgebildeten Personen entsprechende Altersnachweise vorlegen konnte.”

(6) cf. c’t Magazin: “Verschleierungstaktik” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Es geht um gesellschaftlich gewünschte Regulierung im Internet, dazu gehört auch der Schutz des geistigen Eigentums.”

(7) cf. Arbeitskreis Zensur (accessed April 23, 2009): “Wahlkampf auf Kosten missbrauchter Kinder, schützt die Täter, vernachlässigt die Strafverfolgung und initiiert eine grundgesetzwidrige Internet-Zensur-Infrastruktur unter Kontrolle des BKA.”

(8) cf. Die Zeit: Keine Allmacht für das BKA (accessed April 22, 2009): “Kein Richter überprüft die Sperrlisten, keine parlamentarische Kontrollkommission, kein Datenschutzbeauftragter. Das BKA ist Ermittler, Ankläger und Richter in einer Person! (..) Keine Allmacht auch nicht für das BKA”

(9) cf. c’t Magazin: “Verschleierungstaktik” (accessed April 22, 2009) “Es dürfte nur noch eine Frage der Zeit sein, bis auch radikale politische Aussagen ausgeblendet werden sollen. Dann fehlt nur noch ein Gesetz, das jedes Umgehen der technischen Sperre unter Strafe stellt, und die Machthabenden hätten ein perfektes Zensurwerkzeug.”

[News] Die TAZ im neuen Gewand

Den deutschsprachigen Besuchern

Seit Wolfgang Schäubles überspannten Überwachungsphantasien wissen wir in Germanistan, dass wir im Zweifel besser beraten sind, weniger Informationen über uns in die Weiten des Internets zu stellen.

Daher sind auch unsere Zugriffsstatistiken natürlich streng geheim. Ähem. Vielleicht nicht ganz. Denn die ClustrMaps Grafik, die sich auf jeder Seite unten rechts findet, verrät natürlich dennoch ein wenig… Auch wenn ein nicht unbeträchtlicher Anteil von Euch Besuchern aufgrund von Advertisement-Filtern dort nicht erscheinen.

Anyway. Wir wissen, dass rund 17% unserer Besucher pro Jahr aus Germanistan kommen, was sich dann als Zahl auf 55.000 übersetzt. Herzliche Grüße an dieser Stelle an Euch alle. Die folgende Info richtet sich nur an Euch und darf gerne als Schleichwerbung verstanden werden :-)

Der Wolf im Schafspelz

Die in unserer Redaktion recht gerne gelesene Zeitung TAZ wurde am vorgestrigen Freitag 30 Jahre alt. Während wir also noch die Windeln wechseln, ist die TAZ erwachsen geworden und pünktlich zum Geburtstag hat die TAZ sich in der Printausgabe ein neues Gewand zugelegt. Und zugegebermaßen: es blättert sich anders, aber es gefällt. Es gefällt recht gut.

Die Wochenausgabe ist ab sofort in Farbe gehalten und es gibt ab sofort einen im traditionsreichen rot gehaltenen Wochenendteil: die Sonntaz. Auch das ist ein weiterer Punkt, der das Abo der Frankfurter Allgemeinen Sonntagszeitung künftig gefährden könnte.

Die Aufmachung der TAZ wirkt insgesamt zeitgemäßer und übersichtlicher. Dennoch ist im Sinne von Hegels dialektischen Begriff des Aufhebens auch Einiges erhalten geblieben. Der Sportteil heißt beispielsweise weiterhin Leibesübung. Und auch wenn der intrinsische Gehalt dieser Wortakrobatik sich unserem intellektuellen Horizont bis heute nicht recht erschließen wollte: wir erklären uns mit diesem Begriff solidarisch.

BILD Dir eine eigene Meinung: lies TAZ

Wir hoffen, dass die TAZ auch die nächsten 30+ Jahre von ihrem kritischen Gehalt nichts einbüßen wird und ihr Gewicht im Wettbewerb um die Gehirne des Landes noch erhöhen wird.

An die TAZ geht für diese letzten 30 Jahre bodenständiger Arbeit ein herzlicher Geburtstagsgruß. Weiter so und um unseren regierenden Bürgermeister Wowereit zu zitieren: “nicht nachlassen”…

[iPhone] Baseband Downgrading Possible on 3G

We’ve recently reported that exploits can be applied to the baseband bootloader 5.8 to install any bootloader. Now a working exploit has been released via Cydia.

As we have not tested this program we strongly recommend not to try this for two reasons: first it seems this package is in violation of Apple’s copyright, as it distributes a bootloader and second the script seems to have issues. In quite a few cases downgrading did not work, although everything seems to have applied properly. Don’t use untested exploits. Sideeffects and damaged basebands might be the result.

[Virus] First Mac Zombies in iBotnet

In their latest “Virus Bulletin” Symantec employees report that obviously the first Mac OS based botnet has appeared. They call it the iBotnet. Two trojan malwares could be identified as:

  • OSX.Iservice
  • OSX.Iservice.B


The trojans aim at gaining the user password or the root password – depending on what configuration you’re running. By default the “root” account is disabled on OS X and therefore user rights are getting leveled in certain situations. When having gained the user or root password the system is compromised and gets added to the botnet.


Both these files are getting distributed currently via peer2peer networks like bittorrent. The trojans are included in illegal copies of

  • iWork09 and
  • Adobe Photoshop CS 4


It is estimated that some thousand Macs are already infected.


There is strong revealing that the botnet already has been used for Distributed-Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks using a PHP script.


From analyzing the trojans the Symantec guys reason that there might also be other versions already in the wild, since it seems to be a kinda flexible and expandable technique. Our recommendation: get yourself a virus scanner for your Mac, asap.

[News] Pirate Bay Case: Court rules Jail Sentence

In yesterday’s court rules the four people behind the Pirate Bay BitTorrent tracker were convicted to jail sentence and to compensate about 2.8mio euros. Although this might have been a day for the media industry to party, the Pirate Bay guys already said they will definitely appeal.

One of the Pirate Bay guys – Peter Sunde – compared the trial with the Karate Kid. You lose the first fight but there will be a happy ending.

To reach the final verdict by the supreme court could take many years. In the meantime the Pirate Bay platform is still operating. The Pirate Bay guys even started a new service called iPredator, that is basically a VPN service for peer2peer users without logging anything.

For legal reasons, we cannot link those services from Germanistan. You will find them anyhow.

Watch the Pirate Bay’s press conference:

[Laptop] Prolong Life Span and Capacity of your Battery

Have you ever wondered why the rechargeable battery in your laptop is covered by a shorter warranty period than the rest of your laptop? The reason is very simple. The life span of a laptop battery is much shorter. After only one year many batteries provide half the capacity they had in the beginning.

What is the reason?

The reason is fairly simple. When having been turned off, the laptop wastes a little bit of energy of the battery. Almost for nothing. When turning on your laptop the battery gets recharged again. But even if it’s only 1% or 2% that needed to be recharged, this reloading process is counted as a whole recharging cycle. Thus after having turned on and off your laptop twice a day for a period of 365 days, the battery has undergone most likely more than 700 recharging cycles. And the more recharging cycles it has undergone the worse its capacity becomes.

What can I do about it?

Althought the performance will become worse after some time, there are certainly some things to try:

  • If you use the laptop as a desktop PC substrate: you can remove the battery
  • Reduce the amount of reloading cycles: have your battery used until it’s almost empty, then recharge

Some more hints

Remember, that Li-Ion batteries lose capacity even if they are not used at all. Some people reported losses in capacity of up to 50% in two years. So the impact of using or not using may be big or just little in your case. Anyway, it’s worth a try.