Tag Archives: Germany

[Pre] New Rumors about Palm Pre’s Release Date

On the SprintGurus.com forums Coal – one of the admins – seems to have had access to internal Sprint documents. Coal says there might be “2 release windows, one is around 6/7/09 – the other I cannot say much on”.

This could match rumors from EverythingPre.com, who have been informed by an anonymous guy that the first shipment of Palm Pre’s has left Hong Kong in route to the U.S.

As this is rumors all over, we’d better wait and see. Let’s not get into hysteria. The Palm Pre will come with a bang anyway.

The picture is courtesy of Palm.com

[News] Censorship Flush 0.9 beta in Germany

In order to fight child pornography, last week’s friday,  german internet access providers “Deutsche Telekom”, “Vodafone/Arcor”, “Hansenet/Alice”, “Telefonica/02” signed contracts with the Bundeskriminalamt BKA (Federal Criminal Police Office) to implement technical bans to block access to certain webservers. As exploiting children for sexual abuse is one of the most horrible things we as parents could ever imagine, child pornography surely is a topic that needs to be dealt with.

The Censorship Strategy aka Operation Freedom Fright

The issue here is: the current notion in this censorship fight is emphasizing the danger of “opportunity criminals becoming addictive to child porn through spam mails” said Federal Minister for Family Affairs Ursula von der Leyen (1). Ursula von der Leyen’s strategy now is to block access to those webservers providing child pornography.

You see the tiny problem here. Or as the the german Gesellschaft für Informatik – G.I.  (Society for Computer Sciences) writes in a press release (german only), they seriously doubt that blocking websites will have an impact on the distribution of child pornography at all. The next problem is: who decides which webserver will be added to this blocklist? The answer is the BKA, no judge will be consulted. We currently tend to name this “operation freedom fright”.

This comes only two weeks after the german wikileaks.de page has been removed from the internet by german authorities, because wikileaks.de released parts of an australian blocklist. Besides illegal child pornography the australian blocklist contained many websites with political information. According to the world wide wikileaks.org page Germany and China are the only countries who want to block the complete wikileaks pages.

What technically will be done

To maintain all our freedom on the internet the BKA will send blocklists to the providers every day. When trying to access a website that is on the list, the user will instead receive a stop sign that tells him, he has tried to access a site containing illegal material. People accessing the stop sign are getting logged and their IP addresses are sent to the BKA.

Technically this blockage will be realized through DNS poisoning – meaning: resolving of internet addresses like porn.i-like.com will not be resolved into 123.45.678.901, but instead into the IP address where the stop sign will be shown.

It does not need a genius to see that this censorship technique can and will be defeated very easy. And thus the efficiency will most likely be quite marginal. Youtube.com by now provides a 27sec running video that shows the necessary steps to use a foreign DNS server that does not block certain websites.

So blocking access to servers providing illegal material is like building a wall around those servers without doing any harm to the servers themselves. You may ask if this is an efficient strategy for fighting child pornography?

What should be done

The G.I. says this is far away from being an efficient strategy, because in contrast to the distribution of bootlegged cinema movie copies or music, child pornography gets distributed via websites only in an estimated few cases. “In fact child pornography cannot be accessed directly on the internet. The addresses are only known to insiders. The addresses are accessed only by closed groups of users via peer2peer networks.” (2)

Almost the same is reported by the german c’t Magazin (german only). The c’t Magazin interviewed a specialized investigator of the Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen (State Office of Criminal Investigation). He said “Producers of hard child pornography deliver those products only via postal services. The internet is used for communication purposes, but not for transport or distribution.” (3)

Instead of just blocking those sites. The G.I. recommend to prosecute the visitors and the maintainers of such sites at the maximum extend of the law. “Those who commit such crimes to children are not getting caught and convicted by blocking websites” (4).

The c’t Magazin furthermore reported about an experiment conducted by the german Carechild organization. They used a surfaced blacklist from Denmark where a blocking system has already been installed by internet providers. Carechild “used 20 addresses from the surfaced danish blocklist. 17 were hosted in the U.S., 1 in the Netherlands, South Korea and England. Carechild wrote to the abuse-email-addresses of the hosting providers of these servers and asked for removal of the illegal content. The result: 8 U.S. american providers reacted within the first 3 hours after sending the email by shutting down the domains in question. Within a day 16 addresses were no more accessable anymore. For 3 addresses the provider declared either the website does not infringe laws or the website’s operator could proof ages of the actors.” (5)

You may ask if a blocklist is more efficient then telling the hosting providers of possible abuse?

The German Fear

By saying child porn has to be stopped censoring of information on the internet begins. What are the next steps of the German government? Will this be the second time within 80 years to implement dangerous censorship? Will the government follow the role model of Sweden and Denmark? These countries not only censor access to child pornography but also to sites which offer content that is wished by lobbyists to be not accessable like the PirateBay.org. The german Chaos Computer Club renamed Ursula von der Leyen recently to “Zensursula” (a german mixture of the german word “Zensur” for “censorship” and “Ursula”, her forename).

And media industry’s lobbyists are also prepared here in Germany. Dieter Gorny already said he fully supports Ursula von der Leyen’s approach. “It is all about societal desired regulation on the internet, and protection of intellectual property is also a part of that.” (6) Using the notion societal desired regulation really seems impertinent, as he means the opposite: the media industry’s lobbyists would do everything to add some websites to the BKA blocklist. And this could be the end of freedom to german internet users. In the meantime the Arbeitskreis Zensur (working party censorship) has been setup. They say: the german government “is campaigning for the next election on the back of abused children, they protect wrongdoers, they disregard prosecution and the setup an internet censorship infrastructur under the BKA’s control that is adverse to the Grundgesetz (Basic Constitutional Law of Germany).” (7)

But besides tech magazines even serious newspapers begin to feel there is something strange going on in Germanistan. Die Zeit reports that the current draft law sadly is in no way democratic. As “weather a judge, nor a parliamentary control comission, nor a data protection commissioner check the blocklists. The BKA will be investigator, plaintiff, and judge in one person. (..) No omnipotence for the BKA.” (8)

The c’t Magazin writes “it is only a matter of time until also radical political positions will be filtered. Then only one thing would be missing to gain a perfect tool for mass censorship: a law that prohibits the circumvention of the blocklists.” (9)


(1) cf. TAZ: “Stoppsymbol statt Kinderporno” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Es ist im besten Sinne Prävention, wenn wir die durch Spam-Mails angefixte Gelegenheitstäter davor bewahren, süchtig zu werden”

(2) cf. Gesellschaft für Informatik: “GI fordert ernsthafte Verfolgung von Kinderpornographie” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Tatsächlich kann im Internet nicht direkt auf Kinderpornografie zugegriffen werden. Die Adressen sind meist nur Eingeweihten bekannt und zugegriffen wird hauptsächlich in geschlossenen Benutzergruppen über Peer-to-Peer Netzwerke.”.

(3) cf. c’t Magazin: “Verschleierungstaktik” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Die Erzeuger harter Kinderpornografie beliefern ihre zahlenden Kunden in der Regel über den Postweg. Das Internet dient zwar zur Kommunikation, nicht aber als Transportmedium.”

(4) cf.  Gesellschaft für Informatik: “GI fordert ernsthafte Verfolgung von Kinderpornographie” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Sperrungen bewirken nicht, dass diejenigen, die Verbrechen an Kindern begehen, gefasst und verurteilt werden.”

(5) cf. c’t Magazin: “Verschleierungstaktik” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Sie verwendete dazu 20 Adressen aus der im Netz aufgetauchten dänischen Sperrliste. 17 der Seiten waren in den USA gehostet, jeweils eine in den Niederlanden, Südkorea und England. Carechild schrieb an die Abuse-Mail-Adressen der Hostingprovider und bat um Entfernung der Inhalte. Das Ergebnis: acht US-amerikanische Provider haben die Domains innerhalb der ersten drei Stunden nach Versand der Mitteilung abgeschaltet. Innerhalb eines Tages waren 16 Adressen nicht mehr erreichbar, bei drei Websites teilte der jeweilige Provider laut Carechild glaubhaft mit, dass die Inhalte nach augenscheinlicher Prüfung keine Gesetze verletzen oder der Betreiber für die abgebildeten Personen entsprechende Altersnachweise vorlegen konnte.”

(6) cf. c’t Magazin: “Verschleierungstaktik” (accessed April 22, 2009): “Es geht um gesellschaftlich gewünschte Regulierung im Internet, dazu gehört auch der Schutz des geistigen Eigentums.”

(7) cf. Arbeitskreis Zensur (accessed April 23, 2009): “Wahlkampf auf Kosten missbrauchter Kinder, schützt die Täter, vernachlässigt die Strafverfolgung und initiiert eine grundgesetzwidrige Internet-Zensur-Infrastruktur unter Kontrolle des BKA.”

(8) cf. Die Zeit: Keine Allmacht für das BKA (accessed April 22, 2009): “Kein Richter überprüft die Sperrlisten, keine parlamentarische Kontrollkommission, kein Datenschutzbeauftragter. Das BKA ist Ermittler, Ankläger und Richter in einer Person! (..) Keine Allmacht auch nicht für das BKA”

(9) cf. c’t Magazin: “Verschleierungstaktik” (accessed April 22, 2009) “Es dürfte nur noch eine Frage der Zeit sein, bis auch radikale politische Aussagen ausgeblendet werden sollen. Dann fehlt nur noch ein Gesetz, das jedes Umgehen der technischen Sperre unter Strafe stellt, und die Machthabenden hätten ein perfektes Zensurwerkzeug.”

[DVB] Rumors about NDS Hack in Germany (Update)

In german forums people are rumoring that the NDS Videoguard encryption for the german Pay-TV channel Premiere has been compromised. As this has not been confirmed we currently expect this to be a hoax like the Nagra3 hack that has been reported in august 2008.

For completeness we release a translation of the hacker’s statement (original in german to be found here on Gulli.com) of the allegedly hackers:

NDS hack eventually confirmed!

In the meantime the NDS hack has been confirmed by an admin and a smartcard distributor. They have been send pre-programmed white DPSCs (digital pirate smart cards).

At this moment the NDS hack has only been confirmed to be working for Premiere (german Pay TV station). The hack is based on the NDS temp crypthack from october 2008. This has been the starting point. In combination with the BlueCryptCam that also has a weakness in its NDS Videoguard implementation.

With a little modification it then became possible to access and dump the NDS card’s Eeprom and Rom areas. If this hack can also be applied to Sky Italia or Great Britain is currently unknown and will take some time.

Kudelski seems not to be involved in this hack although this is rumored.

There won’t be any emulators (emu). The “blue cards” containing an own operating system will be released and distributed within the next week . They will be programmable using a Phoenix, CAS3 or Infinity programmer.

More news to come…

Kind regards from the Ukraine

From a technical point of view this statement does not look serious. As the described approach is far to vague. The described NDS temp crypthack was an exploit during the transition phase from Nagra2 Aladin to Nagra3 or NDS Videoguard. Some satellite receivers got an unencrypted firmware update over the air that allowed to watch Premiere even without any smartcard (more information in german here on Dragon-Cam.org). As this was only possible during the transition phase, it is highly unlikely that this might be the basis for a successful compromise of NDS videoguard.

Moreover even if this card was real, we would not expect this card to see the light of day. There haven’t been many NDS hacks in the last years. Among other gentleman like business practices (read on TheRegister.co.uk, on Denver Business Journal and on Wired.com) NDS as a company of Rupert Murdoch’s imperium is rumored to have hired the best investigators to at least monitor hacking scene activities.

Update: March 30, 2009: reliable sources from the scene say this is a hoax. Further information are not available currently.

Update: March 31, 2009:We found a nice “Wired” Video. Tarnovski – one of the best known hackers on this planet – describes how to hack nowadays smart cards. It “only” takes some equipment and a “little” bit of experience ;-)

» Wired.com: Tarnovski, NDS and NagraStar
» TheRegister.co.uk: Murdoch’s chief hacker testifies in California
» BizJournals.com: EchoStar says rival hacked its signals

[Microsoft] MSN Germany to launch free Movie portal

The future of video-on-demand seems to begin soon. Microsoft Germany announced to launch their MSN Movie Portal. Launch date is set to November 17th, 2008 (monday) – means tomorrow. About hundred movies, TV-series and animations Microsoft will be offered for free watching. As like private TV channels MSN will apply commercial breaks every ten minutes. Per hour customers will have to watch 12 minutes of advertisements.

» MSN Germany

[iPhone] T-Mobile to Sell Prepaid iPhone 3G in Germany

Starting on 1st of october, 2008, T-Mobile Germany is going to offer the iPhone 3G with a prepaid plan for 569€ including 100€ calling credit. Following features will apply:

  • 0,29€ / min to any german carrier
  • 0,19€ / SMS
  • no included data (Xtra web’n’walk Starter costs 0,90€ every 10 minutes)
  • Use of T-Mobile’s WLan Hotspots not included
  • Switching to a “real” T-Mobile plan is possible, an amount will be paid back then – depending on the plan

The iPhone will still have the SIM Lock and will not work with other german or international carriers.

[e-Biz] T-Mobile vs. Sipgate: Court rules in Favor of T-Mobile

The higher regional court of Hamburg (Hamburger Oberlandesgericht) yesterday ruled in favor of T-Mobile. Sipgate is not allowed to promote or distribute its iPhone application that allowed Voice-over-IP (VoIP) telephony on jailbroken iPhones anymore.

The issue is not the application, but installing Sipgates VoIP client required to jailbreak the iPhone. And jailbreaking of T-Mobile’s customer’s iPhones is illegal in germany. By the way: jailbreaking of iPhones bought abroad is not.

[iPhone] iPhone 3G sold out in Germany

While the iPhone 3G has just been launched in France (we reported here), in Germany T-Mobile must be quite content, because iPhones over here are completely sold out. Currently it is not clear, when new iPhones can be delivered by Apple. T-Mobile needed to set some thousand customer orders pending.

T-Mobile said they already sold 15,000 devices on german launch day last week. It is reported AT&T in the U.S. seems also be running out of 3G iPhones soon.

[Muzaq] Reclaim the Beats at Cassiopeia’s

Whenever you visit Berlin and you like independent Techno and Electro, we got a nice hint for you. You gotta see the Cassiopeia in the Friedrichshain district. As a matter of chance our team went to the Cassiopeia place yesterday and enjoyed accidently an event named “Reclaim the Beats“.

Reclaim the Beats

To make things shorts as possible. That were by far the most intelligent sounds we’ve heard for a long time. The guys playing the records on the floor under the roof were almost half as young as we am, but we take a bow in deepest respect. You guys definitly have shown a unique taste for sounds. Reclaim the Beats is the only adequate wording for that event. We’d recommend to simply call it DIT (Demanding intelligent Techno). Information and dates of Reclaim the Beats to be found here.


The Cassiopeia is fairly unique in Berlin. It’s got three club locations, and indoor skate park, a beer garden, probably the largest climbing tower in Berlin and many more things to discover. The price of a Caipirinha is at 5€. More information to be found here

[Muzaq] Experiences with In-Earphones AKG K 324 P

The problem with the manufacturer equipped iPod earphones

You know the situation: you got an iPod, but the earphones sound so horrible that you wonder why Apple still includes them in the packages. So you go to the store and buy some very nice in-earphones – like the AKG K 324 P ones.

AKG’s K 324 P in-earphones

Everybody who’s into (making) music uses AKG. AKG simply assembles the best head- and earphones. Overall the K 324 P in-earphones sound outstanding clear. It in no way a comparison to the original Apple equipped earphones. Those simply sound horrible. In the case of the K 324 P the sound is a bit too much bass-accentuated, but this is typical for in-earphones and it can simply be adjusted from within the iPod.

For people who are not used to use in-earphones this is quite new, but after finding out how to plug them into the ears, you will never miss that amazing sound again. The K 324 P comes equipped with three different sizes of earpads (l=large, m=medium and s=small) to match the actual size of your acoustic meatus.

In the end: we would say there are no better in-earphones for less than 50€ like the K 324 P.

The issue with the earpads

The good thing is: you can apply those earpads who actually match your acoustic meatus, but this also means you can easily detach them. The thing is they sometimes detaching by themselves. For instance when having put the earphones into your backpack or bag and you try to get take them out in a hurry. Of course AKG anticipated this issue and included a little box for the earphones, but you know it: you don’t always use such a box. And after a while it comes you have lost one of the earpads.

How to obtain substitute earpads

Now you got two choices: go to Thomann and try to buy them (they are getting sold for 2,50€/item – which really can only be a joke for this little plastic) or try something else.

We tried something else. We simply called the german distributor Audio Pro (helpdesk for AKG products +49.(0)7131.2636-492). And a very polite woman named Heike Kubicki asked us how she may help us. We really wondered since politeness is not too typical for Germany. We told her, we lost one of these earpads and how to obtain substitutes. And guess what she said: “No problem, I will send them to your place FOR FREE. Please tell me your address and I will send you 2 pairs of your actual size”…

And what do you think? We think this is grade A++ for one of the best support hotlines having had to call during the last years. We swear we’ll never buy any other head- or earphones but AKG!!! Outstanding…

[iPhone] T-Mobile to sell iPhone 3G for 1Euro

T-Mobile will subsidize the iPhone 3G. They just announced to sell the new UMTS 3G iPhone for just 1€, if bought with a two year lasting contract for 89€. With a contract for 29€/month the price for the iPhone will be 169€.

As a loyalty bonus to clients who bought the “old” iPhone, the new iPhone will be offered at a special discount. Exact prices are being worked on currently, said T-Mobile. Moreover the iPhone will be sold not only in T-Com shops or via T-Mobile’s online shop, but thru reseller channels aswell.