I got to know this issue for the first time when I installed a clean Leopard 10.5.1 to my HackMac and then upgraded like Netkas recommends. Since I remembered the old Tiger times and my bunch of problems with my x1650 ATI (read some hints for the ATI x1650 here), I decided to reinstall the system from the peek without applying the Graphics Update. And this way it works. The only thing that may happen: as long as you do not install the Graphics Update, further updates may not be shown in the update manager.
Because all that hazzle with the x1650 graphics I had, I decided to get a new card (ATI Radeon 2600HD XT – read how to install it).
Last week I decided to update my MacBook Pro aswell – which was still running on Tiger. See the way I did it here. Ad the funny thing in the end was… Ok I upgraded to 10.5.2, did the reboot thing and did the Graphics Update and… tatatata….
Description of the Issue
My MBP did not show me any login screen anymore. Instead I got a fixed mouse pointer in the upper left and a second mouse pointer that could be moved. But no windows or login possibilities. Before reading on what I did, please do me the favor and tell me:

Solving this damn issue manually
I can’t exactly say what those Apple Devs thought by themselves when releasing this Graphics Update but the internet is full of articles where people tell this update f*cked their systems. Ok lets try some things…
- turn off your system
- turn on and hold the following keys to reset PRAM:
"command","option", "P" and "R" (means 'Apple-Key' and 'Alt-Key' and 'p' and 'r')
- your system will do the well known startup “boom” sound again and reset itself.
- hold the keys until you heard the “boom” sound three times
- let the system try to boot
- if everything is fine now: open your windows and shout “Thank you Alexander”
- if booting still fails shout whatever you feel like
- then do the following:
- in case you don’t have a second partition with the full installation of Leopard on it, you can now ask yourself why you did not read this article before. Instead get your
Leopard DVD at hand and reboot
your system holding the “ALT” key and choose to boot from DVD. Those of you who yet have a second partition and followed the guide mentioned above do the same but choose the second partition to boot. - click thru all the messy questions and
- start the “
Disk Utility
” then - choose your harddrive where the screwed Leopard install is on
- and click “
Repair Disk Permissions
“ - wait forever for this task to complete (in my case it took about 25 minutes, I first thought it hangs but it did not…)
- reboot your system
- you should be done now
Additional notes:
The steps I performed above are intended to be applied to a system with genuine Apple hardware. This will not work on HackMac systems!!!