Tag Archives: pwn

[iPhone] GeoHot releases iPhone 3Gs Jailbreak (Upd.)

Update July 5th, 2009: GeoHot now also provides a Mac OS X version of the jailbreak tool. Windows and Mac versions ready for download at purplera1n.com

That’s it with the 3.0 firmware and the iPhone jailbreaks. Apple has been beaten again. This time by GeoHot. Although the iPhone Dev Team seems to have their programs already prepared they preferred to wait with the release of an updated PwnageTool. GeoHot did not wanna wait and decided to release a Windows based jailbreak tool for the iPhone 3Gs called PurpleRa1n.


All three iPhone generations can now be activated, jailbroken and unlocked with the current firmware 3.0. Currently for the iPhone 3Gs there is only a Windows version available that is under strong beta testing. Anyway you can give it a try. The security whole that gets exploited in the iPhone 3Gs is well known as the 24k bug that has been found in january in the iPod Touch 2nd generations.

After jailbreaking, the iPhone Dev Team’s UltraSn0w should unlock your baseband.

Our recommendations

By now you know we are the conservative ones. We recommend: wait a couple of days. PurpleRa1n is still beta. But can hacks ever become stable? ;-)

More information to be found here:
» GeoHot accounces jailbreak for iPhone 3Gs
» iPhone Dev Team confirm unlock of iPhone 3Gs
» Get iPhone 3Gs jailbreak tool (PurpleRa1n.exe) here

iPhone 3GS Unlock Demonstration from planetbeing on Vimeo.

[iPhone] Firmware 2.1 Released

Apple made their promises come true. Firmware 2.1 is out now. If you are using a pwned iPhone – don’t update now, as it is unclear at the moment, if the iPhone remains unlocked. According to Apple firmware 2.1 should:

  • Decrease dropped calls
  • improve battery life
  • reduce backup time
  • improve email reliability (POP and Exchange)
  • allow faster installation of 3rd party apps
  • reduce hangs and crashes for users with lots of third party applications (we don’t know either what exactly does “lots” mean?)
  • improve performance in text messaging
  • allow faster loading and searching of contacts
  • improve accuracy of the 3G signal strength display
  • and some more…

Rumors say updating the iPhone to 2.1 and using QuickPwn with firmware 2.0.2 in order to jailbreak should work. We can’t confirm this and moreover: we definitely recommend not to try this. iPod Touch may want to visit QuickPwn to find further instructions for dealing with 2.1.

As conservative users: wait a couple of days. The iPhone Dev Team is most likely on their marks…

[iPhone] Pwnage Tool for Firmware 2.0

Update 15.07.2008: iPhone 3G allegedly unlocked using SIM Adapter (read here)
Update 15.07.2008: XPwn command line utility released by iPhone Dev Team (read here)

Update 14.07.2008: Geohot confirms that iPhone 3G got a new bootloader (read here)

It is rumored, the Pwnage Tool for firmware 2.0 (= firmware 1.2) will not be released this weekend. Enjoy youself and don’t play around until we tell you.

Anyway the iPhone Dev Team has released a video of Pwnage Tool 2.0. See here:

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[iPhone] Pwnage Tool Release Date delayed


There has been a plenty of rumor about this new tool called “Pwnage”. But it seems like it’s right before becoming released within the next two weeks. The official iPhone Dev Team wiki pages indicate at least a delay of the release date. However a video has been released to Youtube showing how easy Pwnage works. The whole process of patching and completely unlocking via pre-modifying the bootloader seem to become more foolproof.

Features will include:

  • pwning the iPhone’s bootloader (patch code integrity/signing/hashing checks)
  • upgrade/downgrade bootloader (from 3.9 to 4.6 and the other way round)
  • building custom .ipsw’s (8900 container) files on the basis of stock Apple firmwares
  • custom .ipsw’s may contain patched lockdownd (status: factory activated) and patched baseband firmware (unlocked)
  • those .ipsw’s can be easily restored using iTunes

» See that amazing Pwnage video here
» iPhone Dev Team Wiki here
» How Pwnage works

See how Pwnage works here:


Es gab ja schon einiges an Gerüchten über das neue Tool “Pwnage” und es scheint so, als würde es tatsächlich kurz vor der Veröffentlichung stehen. Die Foren der Welt berichten, dass es innerhalb der nächsten zwei Wochen soweit sein wird. Im offiziellen iPhone Dev Team Wiki finden sich jedoch keine genaueren Zeitangaben. Dennoch wurde vor einigen Tagen ein Video auf Youtube veröffentlicht, das zeigt, wie einfach Pwnage funktionieren wird. Der ganze Prozess des Patchens und Unlockens wird dank des vor-modifzierten Bootloaders erheblich einfacher werden.

Folgende Features wird Pwnage haben:

  • Pwning des iPhone Bootloaders (Integritäts-, Signatur- und Hash-Checks werden gepatcht)
  • Upgrade/Downgrade des Bootloaders (von 3.9 auf 4.6. und umgekehrt)
  • Erstellen von angepassten .ipsw (8900er Container) Dateien auf Basis von Apples original Firmwares
  • solche angepassten .ipsw Dateien können vorgepatched Lockdownd (Factory Activated) und gepatchte Baseband Firmware (Unlock) enthalten
  • die angepassten .ipsw Dateien können mithilfe von iTunes ins iPhone restored werden

» Pwnage Video gibt es hier
» iPhone Dev Team Wiki hier
» Wie funktioniert Pwnage