Tag Archives: latest

[Muzaq] Bitwig Prepping To Launch Beta of Bitwig Studio Soon

The Berlin based company Bitwig has eventually presented some details about their upcoming music software BitwigStudio. Bitwig Studio is targeting at professional and semi-professional musicians for producing and using live.

Features in Version 1.0

In addition to what people would expect like VST support, there seem to be some groundbreaking new features to be coming already in version 1.0:

  • dual heading for the use of several displays
  • Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and LINUX support (!!)
  • working on multiple documents
  • multiple automizations

Upcoming Features After  Version 1.0

Bitwig also announced features to be upcoming after version 1.0:

  • LAN multi-user jamming
  • multi-user music production via Internet
  • Native modular synthesizer/effects system


The Bitwig company has been founded by former Ableton developers in 2008. They are located in Berlin/Germany.

Closed Beta Test

Although there is no reliable information at the moment about release dates, you can apply here for a beta test starting soon.

More Information

» Bitwig on the net


Update [Jan 28, 2012]

Forum threads indicate there is a tiny chance that Ableton might sue Bitwig for cloning parts of Live’s GUI, in legal terms for violating the protection of registered designs.

[iPhone] Commercial Unlocking Scammers

It is well known, that there are commercial thieves who use freely available programs and ideas by the iPhone Dev Team, GeoHot, Chronic Dev Team and others.

We highly recommend not to buy any unlocking or jailbreaking solution. They are available for free.

We prepped a list of current scammers making a business modell out of other people’s efforts. The links don’t work as we don’t want you to go there.

  • iPhone Unlocking Solutions (http://www.unlock-the-iphone.com)
  • iPhone Unlock UK (http://www.iphoneunlockuk.com)
  • iPhone Unlocking (http://www.iphoneunlocking.com)
  • iPhone Unlock Australia (http://www.iphoneunlockaustralia.com)
  • iPhone Unlock Free Software GUI (http://www.freeiphoneunlock.com/unlock) – installs adware
  • Unlock Ur iPhone Now (http://www.unlockuriphonenow.com)
  • Unlocked iPhone (http://www.unlockediphone.info)
  • Unlock Any iPhone (http://www.unlockanyiphone.net)

iPhone unlocking seems to be a large market. Say any of these companies sold 5,000 unlocks (which is a quite conservative estimation). For an average price of 25US$. This makes 125,000US$ for setting up a stupid internet page with stolen and repackaged content.