Tag Archives: Problem

[Windows] HowTo configure Kaspersky for News Client Access


Running news clients with the built-in Windows Firewall, you will usually get fullspeed when accessing the usenet. Problems occur when you use All-in-One Internet-Firewall-and-Virus-Scan solutions. Since Virus-Scanners and Firewalls tend to scan all the network traffic with heuristic algorithms, scanning may slow down internet (and usenet) access. The following article demonstrates how to configure the widely spread Kaspersky Internet Security to allow fullspeed access to the usenet.


We assume you know how to setup your news client and you already installed Kaspersky Internet Security (KIS).

Setting up KIS

Open up your KIS and do the following:

  • click the Settings Button (see picture)
  • on the next window click the Threats and Exclusions Button (see picture)
  • on the next window click the Add Button (see picture)
  • on the next window click the Do not scan network traffic Checkbox (see picture) and then click the Browse Button to choose your News Client (see picture).

Then save your settings and restart your News Client application and you’re done.

More questions? Don’t hesitate to ask below. Thanks for your attention :-)

[e-Biz] Berlin.de E-Mail Service massiv gestört

Nicht nur MobileMe von Apple hat Probleme mit der Persistenz von Mails (wir berichteten hier), auch der lokale Provider Berlin.de haut nun in die gleiche Kerbe. Ebenso wie MobileMe ist Berlin.de kostenpflichtig.

Schon im vergangenen Jahr wurden viele Kunden von Berlin.de in den Irrsinn getrieben. Die damalige Migration verlief nur unter größten Problemen. IMAP Nutzer fanden die in Unterordern angelegten Mails nicht mehr, da entweder die Order gar nicht migriert wurden oder die Mails in falsche Ordner sortiert wurden. Kundenmails von uns an den Support, blieben damals unbeantwortet. Rund 500MB Mails seit 2002 durften wir in mühseliger Kleinarbeit manuell in die richtigen Ordner zurücksortieren.

Heute morgen war es dann mal wieder soweit. Der Server war nicht mehr erreichbar. Erst ein Einloggen unter http://club.berlin.de brachte zu Tage, dass der E-Mail Service momentan nicht genutzt werden kann und dass man es bitte später wieder probieren sollte. “Präsentiert von der ComDirect Bank”… Gründe wurden bislang nicht genannt, weder über Berlin.de, noch auf Anfrage per Mail, auch ist die Die Berlin.de Hotline unter 01805.002856 nicht erreichbar.

Wir sind gespannt.

[UPDATE]: Seit einigen Minuten (17:00h) ist nun die Inbox wieder erreichbar. Das für IMAP bekannten abonnieren von Unterordnern funktioniert hingegen nicht.

[e-Biz] Apple to replace MagSafe Power Adapters

Many MacBook and MacBook Pro users already experiences problems with their MagSafe power adapters. Apple now reacts to this issue and replaces all MagSafe adapters no matter if your device is out of warranty or not. Go here to demand a replacement. Apple usually ships within 48hrs to your door.

In contrast to Apple’s shown picture our problem with the rubber molding appears on the other end of the cable.

[e-Biz] Issues with MobileMe again and again and again and…

MobileMe is this month’ Apple’s never ending story of issues. At first it was only minor problem: customers from Germany and France could not cancel their plans. But then too many eMails got lost and Apple needed about 10 days to fix this issue. Then silently the highly advertised Push-Feature got deactivated (see our report here). In contrast to Apple’s high quality when it comes to usability and features, MobileMe began to leave an impression like a not well tested software in beta stadium.

In the end Apple did the right thing and apologized by offering one month free of charge. All customers thought all of MobileMe’s issues are solved. But sadly they were wrong.

Now MobileMe got again issues. This time syncing of addresses and appointments with mobile devices did not and in some cases still does not work properly. But as Apple said, this problem is also solved now. In certain cases data may not be synced back to the mobile devices. In those cases customers need to activate syncing manually. Read here how to do it. Take a deep breath and be patient, re-syncing may take up to 15 minutes.