[iPhone] Sun Java to be released in June


The german Tech News Service Heise.de (link) reports that Sun is currently developing a special Java version for the iPhone. It will be released in June when the iPhone Firmware 2.0 will be ready.


Der Heise.de Newsticker (link) berichtet, dass Sun im Juni – zeitgleich mit der Veröffentlichung der iPhone Firmware 2.0 – eine speziell fürs iPhone angepasste Java Version veröffentlichen wird.

Datentarif zu teuer? Für nur 0,09€/min gibt’s Datenverbindung via UMTS/GPRS beicallmobile

[MacOS] Enable Quartz Extreme 2D



  • open terminal
  • enter: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver Quartz2DExtremeEnabled 1
  • By the way: you may find this command on the net aswell: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver Quartz2DExtremeEnabled -boolean YES – it does perfectly the same like the first command and is only a matter of taste!
  • then reboot and be happy.

There is also another way via using QuartzDebug (search for it on the net, it required the Development tools on the Leopard disk)…

[MacOS] Experiences with Sapphire ATI HD 2600XT 256MB (Device ID 9588)


After having had too much hazzle with the Gigabyte ATI x1650 (Device ID 71c6) I decided to buy a new graphics card. What made me buy that ATI (or in general an ATI card) again?

Where to obtain

German users are provided with a link to Amazon.de where they can buy exactly the graphics card I used for the following howto. But in contrast to my fellow german users the american users cannot be provided with such a link, because Amazon.com doesn’t offer that card. Search it elsewhere or just order from the german Amazon store using this link: Sapphire RADEON HD 2600 XT PCIe ). This should be most hazzle-free way for you…

How to install (_t_h_e___h_a_z_z_l_e___f_r_e_e___w_a_y_)

Ok so, after having bought this new graphic card, don’t just install it yet into your tower or desktop. Instead boot your system into OS X while having your old graphics card installed. Follow those steps:

  1. Login into OS X as root.
  2. Get the new Netkas Natit Driver (link)
  3. install it to /System/Library/Extensions/
  4. Make sure you set the right permissions to the Natit.kext : open terminal and type: chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/Natit.kext
  5. shutdown your system, unplug electricity and replace your graphics cards
  6. plug power chord and boot your system.
  7. you should be done…

Circumventing issues

If anything does not work and your screen looks garbled. I recommend having an XP or Vista installed on another drive and use MediaFour’s MacDrive 7. So you can download the driver again and copy to your OSX partition and install it manually in single user mode (provide -s at OSX boottime).


Sapphire ATI2600 XT 256MB
with HP w2207 (click to enlarge)

Final words

We hope you had some fun and we could provide you with some help here. If you are satisfied with this solution, you may consider our sponsors. They really got the coolest offers. Thanks :-)

Addendums for the german speaking community

Falls Ihr Fragen zu der Anleitung habt, bitte in die Kommentare. Wenn sich mehr als fünf deutschsprachige Leute melden, übersetze ich den Artikel. Ansonsten: wer exakt die Karte sucht, die ich verwendet habe, kauft bitte im deutschen Amazon Shop genau diese Karte hier: Sapphire RADEON HD 2600 XT PCIe 256 MB DDR3 128 Bit, Dual DVI, TV-Out, HDMI, OpenGL, DirectX10 Retail!!!

[iPhone] SDK released

Yesterday Steve Jobs officially released the Software Developer Kit for the iPhone. US American developers can register here (link) in order to be officially allowed to develop for the iPhone. Sofar for the good news. The bad news as follows:

  • the iPhone Developer Programme is currently available only in the US and A
  • it costs 99USD (standard programme) to 299USD (enterprise programme)
  • Software to be uploaded to the iPhone via iTunes (via App Store)
  • 70% of the price of an App will be given to the Devs, 30% will be kept by Apple for being so nice to having built the App Store – well thanks Steve that’s really what we’ve been waiting for: another business model adopted from the works of a supporting community, thanks a lot…
  • 3rd party Software to be released beginning in june 2008

And finally: a new iPhone firmware 2.0 will be also released in june 2008. Well, well. I really like my App-Tab Installer and I really hope, it will survive. By the way there are rumors that the Developer Kit has already been leaked to file-sharing networks on the day it has been released (means yesterday)…

Datentarif zu teuer? Für nur 0,09€/min gibt’s Datenverbindung via UMTS/GPRS beicallmobile

[iPhone] No Adobe Flash for the iPhone soon


Adobe’s Flash player is not good enough for the iPhone. It seems like hopes for Flash on the iPhone soon have just been disappointed. Read more about this issue here on CNN Money (link).


Der Adobe Flash Player soll laut Bericht im Golem nicht gut genug für das iPhone sein. Bald Flash können wir also vergessen. Mehr könnt Ihr hier bei Golem lesen (link).

[MacOS] Enable Screen Resolution / ATI x1650 Device 71c6

english only

The following assumes:

And most likely since then you – as an ATI x1650 owner won’t be able to change the screen resolution and you have no QE/CI.After hazzling around with my system a lot I can at least offer a solution for the screen resolution problem. Requirements: you have no ATI hacks installed at all. Since I will modify the original ATINDRV.kext. I got device id 71c6 although this should not matter here. Before proceeding please do me the favor and tell me:

Where do you come from?

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I assume:

  • you do backups of the files you’re going to modify, don’t you?
  • you already enabled root access to your system
  • you are logged in as root
  1. copy /System/Library/Extension/ATINDRV.kext to your desktop
  2. open the ATINDRV.kext package on your desktop
  3. inside of this package go to /Contents/PlugIns/
  4. open the ATY_Wormy.kext
  5. inside this package go to /Contents/
  6. open the file: Info.plist with your Texteditor
  7. find this position:
  8. and replace it with this:
  9. find this position:
  10. and replace with this:
  11. save the changes and close the texteditor
  12. replace the /System/Library/Extensions/ATINDRV.kext with the one you just edited on the desktop
  13. reboot

After reboot the screen resolution should be selectable. Tell me your experiences. I did this with an ATI x1650 which got device id 71c6.

P.S. QE/CI will not be enabled with this! This will be part two ;-)

[ID38] Was the information provided above helpful?

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[iPhone] Rumors Generic Bootloader Hack almost Finished


Like GeoHot wrote some weeks ago: there seem to be ways to modify the original bootloader to pre-activate and pre-unlock iPhones. Now a video occured on Youtube that shows an iPhone to be updated from Firmware 1.1.1 to 1.1.4 using iTunes (!) – but without the need to activate and unlock manually. And instead of the Apple logo on the iPhone displays “PWNED!” during update process.


Es scheint, als würde die Aussage von GeoHot von vor einigen Wochen sich bewahrheiten. Es ist möglich, den originalen Bootloader so zu modifizieren, dass iPhones automatisch aktiviert und unlocked werden. Zu diesem Thema tauchte nun ein Video auf, auf dem gezeigt wird, wie ein iPhone via iTunes (!) von Firmware 1.1.1 auf 1.1.4 aktualisiert wird. Nach dem Update ist das Telefon aktiviert und der Provider steht auf “T-Mobile” (USA). Statt des typischen Apple Logos, das wir alle von Updates kennen, zeigt das iPhone “PWNED!” während des Update Prozesses.

Schaut Euch das Video oben einfach mal an…

[iPhone] O2 introduces iPhone to Ireland’s Market on March, 14th


Yes, it is true, starting on march, 14th irishmen can also buy iPhones legally in stores. Irishmen will be able to buy them in “O2” shops amd “Carphone Warehouse” shops. 8GB modell will be 399€, 16GB modell will be 499€. Tariff details are almost unknown but the cheapest contract will be 45€/month….


Auch in Irland wird das iPhone endlich eingeführt. Das 8Gb wird 399€ und das 16GB modell wird 499€ kosten. Details über die Vertragsangebote gibt es noch kaum, außer dass der günstigste bei 45€ pro Monat liegen wird…

[iPhone] Edit Edge Settings under Firmware 1.1.4 and 2.0

Update 4: (November 27th, 2008): Another formerly fast way of editing has been reported to induce other issues and has thus been removed. Some links for Windows users have been updated.

Update 3: (July 21st, 2008): Pwnage 2.0 tutorial for firmware 2.0 finished (see here). The way to reenable the EDGE settings is still applicable. Please follow part II.)_T_H_E__Z_E_N__W_A_Y_ (scroll down).


(Outdated article removed)


The standard iPhone EDGE settings for Germany (means for people with legit T-Mobile iPhone service plans) are:

apn: smartsites.t-mobile
username: t-mobile
password: tm

Those settings cannot be edited and will always be applied to any T-Mobile SIM card. Problem is: customers with a non-iPhone contract cannot use EDGE then since they need different EDGE settings. Most likely those:

apn: internet.t-mobile
username: t-mobile
password: tm

To be able to change these EDGE settings in a pleasant way just do the following (I assume you got OpenSSH installed already):

1. use Cyberduck (Mac), SmartFTP (Windows) or any other SFTP capable client to connect via SFTP into your iPhone

2. go to /System/Library/Carrier Bundles/T-Mobile_Germany.bundle/ and download carrier.plist to your host

3. since you can’t edit this carrier.plist you first need to convert it
3.1. on OS X you can do it by installing the plist editor contained in Apple’s Developer Tools (bundled with XCode) on your Leopard or Tiger Retail installation DVD or available via download here (site requires registration. Btw: do you know Guerrillamail yet?).

3.2. Windows (and lazy OS X) users go here: to convert the plist online. (This address seems not to exist anymore). We recommend to give

a try (warning: we did not have the time to test this yet with either one of these tools. Your feedback is highly appreciated, thanks!).

4. Opening in one of these tools above mentioned, It should most likely look like this (click picture to enlarge):

Converted Plist

5. So we need to add those tiny lines to get back EDGE editing capabilities:



6. You will find “EDGE settings” menu under “Settings” » “General” » “Network” » “EDGE”. Enter the approprate APN and you’re done…

BTW: you can also change the APN settings permanently inside this carrier.plist file. Just locate and replace these lines:


with the appropriate APN settings of your contract…

replace standard apn settings

Kudos to Volkspost (Volxpost) for his findings and his initial 1.1.3 tutorial.