Monthly Archives: November 2008

[USA] Berlin loves Obama

There have been enduring discussions about european anti-americanism. The truth is: the so called anti-americanism always was disappointed love. And that disappointment now turned back into unlimited love. The american messiah has arrived.

What happened? The whole world was deeply sympathetic with the US when the World Trade Centers were attacked and thousands of innocent people have been killed because of ideologic hate-filled maniacs. And then? America’s leaders completely lost control over what their aims were. An Iraq War with loads of bogus proofs. Iraqi oil for the US but no real peace weather in Iraq nor in Afghanistan. At least Europe was deeply frustrated from what the Bush administration was doing then.

But the american people now showed the world that they “can” and they want to convince themselves and the world that a better world is possible. Though he will not be able to solve all the problems at once, his election is the first right step into the 21st century.

May he and his family live long and prosper and may he set free all the good powers that have been suppressed so long. Berlin loves Obama. Keep on smiling, man. Your smile heals the world.

[Callmobile] Softwarefehler erleichtert Kunden um €1.500

Kunden des T-Mobile Resellers Callmobile dürften heute einen gehörigen Schreck bekommen haben. Die automatische Aufladungs-SMS beinhaltete heute folgenden Text:

Da Ihr Konto einen negativen Betrag aufweist, haben wir Ihre SIM-Karten gesperrt. Diese wird entsperrt, sobald Sie Ihr Konto aufgeladen haben. Von

und die nächste SMS lautete etwa (Zahlen können abweichen):

Ihr Konto wurde mit einem Betrag von €15,00 aufgeladen. Ihr Kontostand beträgt jetzt €-1503,85. Von

Richtig gelesen. Eintausendfünfhundert Euro im Soll. Nach dem Einloggen in das Callmobile System zeigten sich folgende Fehler bei der Berechnung der verbrauchten Daten-Einheiten:

Unser Tipp:

Sofort bei anrufen unter 01805-777464 und automatische Aufladung der Karte deaktivieren lassen, sonst wird aufgeladen, bis das Callmobile Sollkonto wieder ausgeglichen ist.

Die Aufladungen erfolgen etwa alle fünf Minuten. Bei einem o.a. Soll von €1.500,00 und einer voreingestellten Aufladung von €15,00 bedeutet dies, dass das verknüpfte Bankkonto binnen der nächsten 10 Stunden um €1.500,00 erleichtert würde.

Weitere Infos:

Wegen der sofort eingerichteten Sperrung kann zwar der Anschluss angerufen werden, es sind jedoch keine abgehenden Gespräche möglich.

Danke an Steffen für die Infos.

[MultiPlatform] TrueCrypt 6.1 Released

The open source encryption program TrueCrypt 6.1 has been released. It now features:

  • Encrypt a non-system partion without losing existing data (Windows)
  • Support for security tokens and smart cards
  • TrueCrypt bootloader can be configured to not show texts
  • Encrypted Windows system partitions can now be mounted by Linux or MacOS X

» Download TrueCrypt 6.1 here

[Apple] IBM Manager Papermaster Hired by Apple

Mark Papermaster, formerly known as IBM’s Vice President of Microprocessor Technology Development, got hired by Apple. Papermaster was employed with IBM for the last 26 years, where he was actively involved in the development of the Power PC architecture and IBM’s Blade Server.

IBM now filed a lawsuit against Papermaster. They say he breaks his IBM work contract. IBM says the contract includes a term that disallows Papermaster to work with a competitive company like Apple within a period of  12 months after quitting.

Papermaster is indended to be the successor of Tony Fadell at Apple. Fadell was the Senior Vice President of the iPod Development Unit, thus reporting directly to Steve Jobs.

[Windows] SRWare Iron updated

SRWare just updated their Iron browser, which is based on Google’s Chromium source code. It now contains improved support for website embedded videos and PDF documents and it blocks advertisements – so don’t use it when visiting our pages ;-)

» You may download SRWare Iron here