Tag Archives: dsmos.kext

[OSX86] Building a Hackintosh with ProQ’s AnyOS Motherboard

motherboard back


With all those different Apple Computers available like Mac Mini’s, Mac Book Air’s, Mac Pro’s, why the hell should we consider setting up a hackintosh these days, since a Mac Mini comes at a price tag of only 600€ here in Europe?

Well the answer to this is quite simple. Hackintoshs aim at people who are basically interested in understanding and tweeking. If you just wanna use you Mac for Mails and a bit of internet-surfing a hackintosh is most likely the wrong thing for you.

But if you are artist for instance, dealing with audio- or video-editing a hackintosh definitely comes a lot more handy than an original Mac. The reason is simple: original Macs have become a lot less flexible when it comes to manual hardware upgrading during the last eight years. Let’s take the latest Mac Pro for instance. The design is still outstanding, but this design comes at the price that Apple entirely dropped the PCIe Bus architecture. What means, that we cannot use dedicated DSP, soundcards or videocards in that device anymore and need to switch to Firewire or Thunderbolt solutions. Which is an additional economical strain. Continue reading

[MacOS] VirtualBox 3.2 To Support Mac OS Guest on Windows Host [Update]

We suppose Apple will not like that, but Oracle’s latest version of VirtualBox 3.2 Beta 1 now supports virtualization of Apple’s Mac OS X.

Legal View

Although Apple’s license agreement clearly prohibits installing Mac OS X on other hardware than Apple’s, the screenshot shows that even the Windows version of Mac OS X is prepped to run Mac OS X as guest operating system.

On the other hand Apple’s license agreement is not valid in all countries. It cannot be applied in Germany and some other countries for example.

Technical View

To satisfy Apple’s Aqua binary encryption it is required to supply two operating system decryption keys (OSK0 and OSK1) to the kernel extension “Dont Steal Mac OS X.kext”. Although it is no secret that Mac OS can be run on PC hardware using decryption emulators like netkas’ fakesmc.kext, anyhow at the moment it is unclear if Oracle integrated those operating system decryption keys into VirtualBox.


VirtualBox does not circumvent Apple’s binary protection. A VirtualBox developer confirmed, that Apple hardware is required in order to run Mac OS as guest in VirtualBox. So without tempering either with VirtualBox’ EFI or with Mac OS X it is not possible to run OS X in VirtualBox on a PC.

On the other hand a closer look at the EFI booter integrated in VirtualBox could reveal either how to modify PC Bios‘ to boot Mac OS X DVDs natively or how to expand our beloved Chameleon.

[MacOS] Update to MacOS X 10.5.2 fails – One solution here


So guys as written here on “Incomplete-News” there have been several cases in which the way Netkas described did not work and the system crashed after reboot again and again. To get into more detail: after having done all the steps Netkas described here your system hangs and it doesn’t matter what you do it won’t boot. Before showing a possible solution please do me the favor and tell me:

Where do you come from?

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Reason is: during update it obviously (sometimes) removes the dsmos.kext but Leopard running with vanilla stock kernel and PC EFI on whiteboxes requires dsmos.kext in order to boot into GUI. Precisely: the “dsmos.kext” is required for decoding of Apple Protected binaries inside the GUI.

What to try:
1. See if dsmos.kext / R3D3 is still there where it should be

  • boot into single user mode – means: on the darwin bootscreen press any key and set the option “-s”
  • examine if the dsmos.kext is still there (this depends on the installation you used: sometimes also R3D3 is used. In iAtkos and Kalyway only “dsmos.kext” is used)
  • typically “dsmos.kext” is to be found in /System/Library/Extensions folder (we ain’t got no experiences with r3d3 but we assume it to be placed aswell in /System/Library/Extensions folder but better google it!!!)
  • If it is not there it is very likely it has been lost during update process (why it seems to get lost in some cases has not been yet been found out)

2. it is not there: so reinstall the dsmos.kext

  • if you don’t have a Windows XP or Vista as a second operating system: sorry guys. Find yourselves another way to reinstall dsmos.kext (like booting to install DVD and copying via USB stick or CD to harddrive for example)
  • if you do have Windows, start it and fire up your fox and fetch a copy of “MacDrive 7” (there is a trial version on Mediafour’s Website, get it, install it and reboot it – you’re gonna like this piece of software, don’t hesitate to buy it)
  • get the EFI pack from the net aswell (try these google searchterms: “dsmos.kext digitmemo” it should be the first hit), since the EFI Pack contains the dsmos.kext
  • when downloaded, copy dsmos.kext to your Mac Partition (MacDrive seemlessly integrates into your system, you will have the Mac Disk shown as a normal drive in your windows explorer (!)) into the folder /System/Library/Extensions
  • restart your Hack OS and use again “-s” to boot to single user mode
  • make the drive writeable using: “/sbin/fsck -fy” and “/sbin/mount -uw /”
  • then “cd /System/Library/Extensions”
  • then “chown -R root dsmos.kext”
  • and “chgrp -R wheel dsmos.kext”
  • do the “exit” and the system may reboot (or crash) once or twice and then it should boot up to 10.5.2

Et voila,
the most beautiful operating system in the world
running on a regular ugly machine ;-)



Ok Leute. Ich denke, die oben stehenden Zeilen sind recht einfach verständlich. Ich werde das hier nicht nochmal auf deutsch wiederholen. Es sei denn, es melden sich Massen von Menschen, was ich für nicht sehr wahrscheinlich halte. Dennoch: falls Ihr Fragen habt, zögert nicht und nutzt die Kommentarmöglichkeiten unten…