Yesterday, we posted Dubspot’s video introduction into Bitwig Studio, now we found some more tutorials going more into detail. The guys from Sonic Academy do a nice job in explaining how to do things in Bitwig… They prepped seven videos for us (about 02:30h in total)… Check them out here: Continue reading
Category Archives: News
[Muzaq] Roland Aira TR8 vs. Roland TR808
Berlin based producer Alexander Krüger aka Dub Taylor aka Tigerskin aka Korsakow put his diligent fingers on the just released Roland Aira TR8. As he also got a MIDI’fied original 808, his comparison is kinda helpful for all ppl considering this device as a much cheaper alternative.
The video has not been shot with professional equipment, but with a consumer iPhone. Alex’ is music producer, not a video artist. And yes, we know the soundquality of an iPhone video ain’t outstanding, but it is definitely sufficient to get a basic understanding of what is soundwise close to the original and what is not.
Check Alex’ short comparison after the break – exclusively ;-) Continue reading
[Bitwig] Video Introduction Tutorials into Bitwig Studio
James Bernard of Dubspot kindly provides us with two introduction tutorials into the newest DAW in the market. He explains, how to use Bitwig and what outstanding new features it contains.
So, if you didn’t have the chance to check Bitwig Studio out yet, you should consider taking these 11 minutes in total for both tutorials and learn about Bitwig Studio’s (if you ask us: awesome) possibilities. Stay tuned… Continue reading
[Plugins] Plugin-Alliance 111$ Voucher
Oops they did it again… ;-) well, we really have to admit, that Plugin-Alliance aka Brainworx are providing outstanding good plugins at the moment at decent prices anyway. But their regular promotions make them even more interesting.
Check this voucher, as long as it lasts…
The first 1.111 Plugins in May – only $111 each!*
Pick ANY Plugin. 1st Come 1st Serve.
When they´re gone… they´re gone…Promo Voucher Code: 1111×111 (use during Checkout in the Store)
[OSX86] Building a Hackintosh with ProQ’s AnyOS Motherboard
With all those different Apple Computers available like Mac Mini’s, Mac Book Air’s, Mac Pro’s, why the hell should we consider setting up a hackintosh these days, since a Mac Mini comes at a price tag of only 600€ here in Europe?
Well the answer to this is quite simple. Hackintoshs aim at people who are basically interested in understanding and tweeking. If you just wanna use you Mac for Mails and a bit of internet-surfing a hackintosh is most likely the wrong thing for you.
But if you are artist for instance, dealing with audio- or video-editing a hackintosh definitely comes a lot more handy than an original Mac. The reason is simple: original Macs have become a lot less flexible when it comes to manual hardware upgrading during the last eight years. Let’s take the latest Mac Pro for instance. The design is still outstanding, but this design comes at the price that Apple entirely dropped the PCIe Bus architecture. What means, that we cannot use dedicated DSP, soundcards or videocards in that device anymore and need to switch to Firewire or Thunderbolt solutions. Which is an additional economical strain. Continue reading
[Science] Der Anfang von Allem – der Urknall
Nomma im Anschluss an eben, hier in aller kürzester kinderkompatibler Kurzform die Theorie des Urknalls…
[Science] Die Geschichte der Welt vom Urknall bis heute
Für alle, die genauso begeistert davon sind, dass vor gut vier Wochen erstmals Gravitationswellen nachgewiesen werden konnten, aber im Physikunterricht qua Pubertät nie richtig aufgepasst haben, für die könnte auch diese kleine Dokumentation was sein, um mal die Grundlagen nachzulegen…
[Society] Wildfremde Menschen küssen sich zum ersten Mal
Bei Ronny im Kraftfuttermischwerk haben wir heute dieses wunderbare zum Frühling passende Video gefunden. Schon witzig, welche Koinzidenzen es manchmal so gibt ;-) Hintergrund ist wohl, dass die Filmemacherin Tatia Pilieva 20 Menschen ins Studio eingeladen hat, die sich vorher nicht kannten und dann knutschen durften. Das interessante ist wohl, dass Knutschen so aus dem Stehgreif doch nicht geht, weil Vertrauen, Nähe wissenschon etc. dann doch irgendwie erforderlich ist. Schaut mal rein. Wir fanden es jedenfalls suuuuper :-)
<PS> und im Nachgang stellt sich dann raus, dass das ne konzertierte Aktion einer Werbebude ist und die Leute allesamt gecastet wurden… naja… viraler Konstruktivismus in Anwendung eben… </PS>
via Kraftfuttermischwerk…
[Namm2014] Bitwig Studio in Depth
via musicradar…
[Plugins] Plugin-Alliance 99$ Voucher
Available now, for the next 12hours. Go and grab your discount asap. Get the details bellow:
Go to and during checkout use this voucher code: pa99x99x46. This deal is limited to max 99 orders during the next 12 hours. Whatever comes first.
Their original Facebook Posting: Continue reading