Category Archives: MacOS

[MacOS] Enable and Disable Hibernation

OSX supports real hibernation not only that sleep mode that costs electricity. It really supports it. But you gotta enable or disable it manually. So what to do:

  • open terminal window (I assume you’re logged in with your normal user account)
  • to disable hibernation, and enable standard sleep
    enter this: sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0
  • to enable hibernation when closing the lid
    enter this: sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 1

Enjoy folks…

[MacOS] Change Time Machine’s Backup Intervalls

We all know Time Machine is handy (at least since update 10.5.2 which fixed tons of issues). But one thing is not very handy: we usually cannot change the intervall of the backups. Before I will show you a simple solution please do me the favor to tell me:

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Do the following (I assume you’re logged in with your normal user account):

  • open terminal
  • for 30 minutes intervalls enter this:
    sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ StartInterval -int 1800
  • for 60 minutes intervalls (standard) enter this:
    sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ StartInterval -int 3600
  • for 6 hours intervalls enter this:
    sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ StartInterval -int 21600
  • for 12 hours intervalls enter this:
    sudo defaults write /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ StartInterval -int 43200
  • and so on…

The simple formula is just a conversion from minutes or hours to seconds. Means: 1800 seconds = 30 minutes…
You can also go smack to the /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ file and edit it using a texteditor and change the StartInterval values. But I feel like the solution above might be faster… Kudos fly to

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[MacOS] Read HFS+ Drives and DMG Images on Windows


As a dualbooter you are often confronted with the problem that you just saved a file on the other system. While being on OS X this is not a too big problem since you can at least access those NTFS (read only) and Fat32 (read/write support) drives. But being confronted with Microsoft Windows you are stuck.

But hey wait: try this nice Java Open Source Project: Catacombae HFS Explorer (link). It opens and extracts files from drives and images formatted in HFS+. Sadly it seems not be able to write to those disks. For having read and write access to your HFS+ disks I strongly recommend Macdrive 7.


Jeder von MacBook Pro oder Hackintosh Dualbootern kennt die Situation, dass wir gerade nach Microsoft Windows gebootet haben, aber eine bestimmte Datei leider eben unter OS X liegt. Für Leute, die nur lesend auf ihre OSX Partition zugreifen wollen, gibt es das Open Source Projekt Catacombae HFS Explorer (link). Schreiben kann dieses Programm auf HFS+ Dateisysteme aber leider noch nicht. Um lesend und schreibend auf die OS X Partition zuzugreifen, empfehle ich Macdrive 7.

[MacOS] Enable Quartz Extreme 2D



  • open terminal
  • enter: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ Quartz2DExtremeEnabled 1
  • By the way: you may find this command on the net aswell: sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ Quartz2DExtremeEnabled -boolean YES – it does perfectly the same like the first command and is only a matter of taste!
  • then reboot and be happy.

There is also another way via using QuartzDebug (search for it on the net, it required the Development tools on the Leopard disk)…

[MacOS] Experiences with Sapphire ATI HD 2600XT 256MB (Device ID 9588)


After having had too much hazzle with the Gigabyte ATI x1650 (Device ID 71c6) I decided to buy a new graphics card. What made me buy that ATI (or in general an ATI card) again?

Where to obtain

German users are provided with a link to where they can buy exactly the graphics card I used for the following howto. But in contrast to my fellow german users the american users cannot be provided with such a link, because doesn’t offer that card. Search it elsewhere or just order from the german Amazon store using this link: Sapphire RADEON HD 2600 XT PCIe ). This should be most hazzle-free way for you…

How to install (_t_h_e___h_a_z_z_l_e___f_r_e_e___w_a_y_)

Ok so, after having bought this new graphic card, don’t just install it yet into your tower or desktop. Instead boot your system into OS X while having your old graphics card installed. Follow those steps:

  1. Login into OS X as root.
  2. Get the new Netkas Natit Driver (link)
  3. install it to /System/Library/Extensions/
  4. Make sure you set the right permissions to the Natit.kext : open terminal and type: chown -R root:wheel /System/Library/Extensions/Natit.kext
  5. shutdown your system, unplug electricity and replace your graphics cards
  6. plug power chord and boot your system.
  7. you should be done…

Circumventing issues

If anything does not work and your screen looks garbled. I recommend having an XP or Vista installed on another drive and use MediaFour’s MacDrive 7. So you can download the driver again and copy to your OSX partition and install it manually in single user mode (provide -s at OSX boottime).


Sapphire ATI2600 XT 256MB
with HP w2207 (click to enlarge)

Final words

We hope you had some fun and we could provide you with some help here. If you are satisfied with this solution, you may consider our sponsors. They really got the coolest offers. Thanks :-)

Addendums for the german speaking community

Falls Ihr Fragen zu der Anleitung habt, bitte in die Kommentare. Wenn sich mehr als fünf deutschsprachige Leute melden, übersetze ich den Artikel. Ansonsten: wer exakt die Karte sucht, die ich verwendet habe, kauft bitte im deutschen Amazon Shop genau diese Karte hier: Sapphire RADEON HD 2600 XT PCIe 256 MB DDR3 128 Bit, Dual DVI, TV-Out, HDMI, OpenGL, DirectX10 Retail!!!

[MacOS] Enable Screen Resolution / ATI x1650 Device 71c6

english only

The following assumes:

And most likely since then you – as an ATI x1650 owner won’t be able to change the screen resolution and you have no QE/CI.After hazzling around with my system a lot I can at least offer a solution for the screen resolution problem. Requirements: you have no ATI hacks installed at all. Since I will modify the original ATINDRV.kext. I got device id 71c6 although this should not matter here. Before proceeding please do me the favor and tell me:

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I assume:

  • you do backups of the files you’re going to modify, don’t you?
  • you already enabled root access to your system
  • you are logged in as root
  1. copy /System/Library/Extension/ATINDRV.kext to your desktop
  2. open the ATINDRV.kext package on your desktop
  3. inside of this package go to /Contents/PlugIns/
  4. open the ATY_Wormy.kext
  5. inside this package go to /Contents/
  6. open the file: Info.plist with your Texteditor
  7. find this position:
  8. and replace it with this:
  9. find this position:
  10. and replace with this:
  11. save the changes and close the texteditor
  12. replace the /System/Library/Extensions/ATINDRV.kext with the one you just edited on the desktop
  13. reboot

After reboot the screen resolution should be selectable. Tell me your experiences. I did this with an ATI x1650 which got device id 71c6.

P.S. QE/CI will not be enabled with this! This will be part two ;-)

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[MacOS] Update to MacOS X 10.5.2 fails – One solution here


So guys as written here on “Incomplete-News” there have been several cases in which the way Netkas described did not work and the system crashed after reboot again and again. To get into more detail: after having done all the steps Netkas described here your system hangs and it doesn’t matter what you do it won’t boot. Before showing a possible solution please do me the favor and tell me:

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Reason is: during update it obviously (sometimes) removes the dsmos.kext but Leopard running with vanilla stock kernel and PC EFI on whiteboxes requires dsmos.kext in order to boot into GUI. Precisely: the “dsmos.kext” is required for decoding of Apple Protected binaries inside the GUI.

What to try:
1. See if dsmos.kext / R3D3 is still there where it should be

  • boot into single user mode – means: on the darwin bootscreen press any key and set the option “-s”
  • examine if the dsmos.kext is still there (this depends on the installation you used: sometimes also R3D3 is used. In iAtkos and Kalyway only “dsmos.kext” is used)
  • typically “dsmos.kext” is to be found in /System/Library/Extensions folder (we ain’t got no experiences with r3d3 but we assume it to be placed aswell in /System/Library/Extensions folder but better google it!!!)
  • If it is not there it is very likely it has been lost during update process (why it seems to get lost in some cases has not been yet been found out)

2. it is not there: so reinstall the dsmos.kext

  • if you don’t have a Windows XP or Vista as a second operating system: sorry guys. Find yourselves another way to reinstall dsmos.kext (like booting to install DVD and copying via USB stick or CD to harddrive for example)
  • if you do have Windows, start it and fire up your fox and fetch a copy of “MacDrive 7” (there is a trial version on Mediafour’s Website, get it, install it and reboot it – you’re gonna like this piece of software, don’t hesitate to buy it)
  • get the EFI pack from the net aswell (try these google searchterms: “dsmos.kext digitmemo” it should be the first hit), since the EFI Pack contains the dsmos.kext
  • when downloaded, copy dsmos.kext to your Mac Partition (MacDrive seemlessly integrates into your system, you will have the Mac Disk shown as a normal drive in your windows explorer (!)) into the folder /System/Library/Extensions
  • restart your Hack OS and use again “-s” to boot to single user mode
  • make the drive writeable using: “/sbin/fsck -fy” and “/sbin/mount -uw /”
  • then “cd /System/Library/Extensions”
  • then “chown -R root dsmos.kext”
  • and “chgrp -R wheel dsmos.kext”
  • do the “exit” and the system may reboot (or crash) once or twice and then it should boot up to 10.5.2

Et voila,
the most beautiful operating system in the world
running on a regular ugly machine ;-)



Ok Leute. Ich denke, die oben stehenden Zeilen sind recht einfach verständlich. Ich werde das hier nicht nochmal auf deutsch wiederholen. Es sei denn, es melden sich Massen von Menschen, was ich für nicht sehr wahrscheinlich halte. Dennoch: falls Ihr Fragen habt, zögert nicht und nutzt die Kommentarmöglichkeiten unten…

[MacOS] HowTo Update to MacOS X 10.5.2

Update: 02.07.2008 Update 10.5.4 is out now, read our notes here.
Update: 01.06.2008 Update 10.5.3 is out now, read our instructions here.


As most of you know Netkas is constantly working on the EFI Emulation for standard PC-Bios based motherboards. As of now you can even use the Software Update (auto-update feature) included in Tiger or Leopard. Means: no hassle with kernel panics whatsoever – assumed you have a system which is close to Apple hardware (like Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Chipset onboard)… But with revision 10.5.2 a minor issue occurred.

In short: don’t use auto update. Although Netkas released a tutorial which discribes a workaround I would encourage you to wait for a working solution. Chances are very high you screw up your system nevertheless – like a friend of mine did. Wait a solution will be posted here within the next few days… *erm* it took a little longer and it has been written for update 10.5.3 rather than 10.5.2 but the steps and the approach is almost the same – see here

[MacOS] Rechner mit ATI x1650 Radeon Karten

update: don’t use it. It seems only applicable to 10.5.1 !!!


As many guys of you know the “Apple Mac OS X” can be installed on normal PCs. No matter if they are AMD or INTEL based. Of course best results will be obtained by using hardware that is “close to Mac”, like INTEL MoBo’s and Core2Duo CPUs. By taking this into account it is possible to build a low priced “Mac Pro like” system.

Main problem was the support for different graphic cards. But until now even ATI chipsets are supported by the community (sadly not by Apple themselves). Even the ATI Radeon x1650 card with device id 0x71c6 will work when you follow a tutorial written here


Schon kurz nach der Transition von Motorola/IBM Power PC CPUs auf Intel CPUs wurde bekannt, dass man mit einigem technischen Verstand OS X Tiger auch auf standard PCs zum Laufen bekommt, sofern die Hardware ähnlich der Referenzhardware von Apple ist. Ausgestattet mit einer Tiger oder Leopard Lizenz ist dies sogar vollkommen legal. Man hat eben nur zuweilen ein wenig Arbeit bei Aktualisierungen, kann sich so aber ein Mac Pro ähnliches Gerät erheblich günstiger selbst zusammenbauen…

Für die unterschiedlichsten Grafikkarten gibt es mittlerweile Unterstützung und auch für die lange als problematisch eingestufte Karten mit ATI x1650 Chipsätzen. Man schaue mal hier, es findet sich eine hervorragende Anleitung für diese ATI Karten mit der Device ID 0x71c6.
