Tag Archives: Bluetooth

[iPhone] Apple to present iPhone OS 3.0 feature’s tomorrow

The News

According to several U.S. journalists, Apple will present the iPhone firmware 3.0 tomorrow. As of now there are some rumors, that it eventually will contain:

  • MMS
  • Bluetooth and USB Tethering
  • Copy and Paste


As a normal cell fon user you may ask if this is really worth the  news, since both MMS and tethering is standard in almost any 10US$ cell. Well you are right. But this is the Apple world. Apple knows by including these features their clan of fanboys will immediately be satisfied. The internet will be immediately full of flames if anyone utters criticism. Anyway we don’t believe it will have all those three features. It will have one. Firmware 4.0 will than have another of these and so on.

And there is still the question of Sun Java or Adobe Flash. What about these? Will we have them in firmware 8.0 or never? We really like the iPhone’s UI. It definitely brought the mobile internet thing major steps forward, but we expect the iPhone’s time is up. We currently recommend to not buy an iPhone or GPhone, but wait for the Palm Pre with WebOS.

Did you know the Palm Pre is beeing developed by the former Apple iPod creator Jon Rubinstein?

[iPhone] iBluetooth available

Eventually a Bluetooth application has become available for the iPhone. As this is not approved by Apple it can be downloaded only via Cydia on jailbroken iPhones.

iBluetooth costs 4US$ and can be downloaded from the iSpazio repository. The purpose of the shareware fee is buying a complete Bluetooth stack to make it available to all customers. Currently iBluetooth comes with a seven days trial period.

The pictures are courtesy of iSpazio. See more pictures here…