Tag Archives: MS Office

[iPhone] Quickoffice To Edit Microsoft Office Documents

TheRegister.co.uk reports Quickoffice will be released within the next week on the iPhone’s AppStore. The Quickoffice suite will integrate Quickword and Quicksheet. It will allow

  • to create and view Microsoft Excel sheets on the iPhone (via Quicksheet, that is already available via AppStore)
  • to create and view Microsoft Word .doc (Office 97-2003) documents on the iPhone (via forthcoming Quickword)
  • to transfer files via WiFi
  • to access files on MobilMe’s iDisk
  • to email files
  • to view jpg, png, tiff, gif and svg pictures
  • to view (or play)
    • Office 97-2003 files (DOC, XLS, PPT)
    • Office 2007 files (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX)
    • Adobe PDF
    • Webpages (HTML, HTM, MHT)
    • Audio files (MP3)

The introduction price for Quickoffice will be about 20US$. By the way: Microsoft themselves seem to work on a native Microsoft Office version for the iPhone. But there are no further information available currently.

This picture is courtesy of Quickoffice, Inc.