Tag Archives: Eight

[Muzaq] Universal Audio Annouces UAD-2 Octo

Universal Audio is stepping on. Producers who still thought the UAD-2 Quad’s power ain’t sufficient can soon get a UAD-2 Octo, thus effectively using 8 SHARC processors. Nuff powa foa de ppl ;-)

As a side effect of this step the prices for the rest of the UAD-2 family (PCIe and Satellite) are lowered. Entry price for the UAD-2 Octo is about 1,500€ (1,200 GBP). Distribution in Europe is expected to start between middle and end of October.

1. UAD-2 Starter Packages


Amount of

Entry Features

Street Prices

1. UAD-2 Solo (PCIe) 1
Compressors: LA-2A, 1176LN, 1176SE
EQ: Pultec EQP-1A
Reverb: RealVerb Pro
Channelstrip: CS-1
~ 300€
~ 240GBP
2. UAD-2 Duo (PCIe) or
UAD-2 Duo Satellite
see above
~ 700€
~ 560GBP
3. UAD-2 Quad (PCIe) or
UAD-2 Quad Satellite
see above
~ 1,000€
~ 800GBP
4. UAD-2 Octo (PCIe) 8
see above
~ 1,500€
~ 1,200GBP
5. UAD Apollo Duo 2
see above
~ 2,000€
~ 1,600GBP
6. UAD Apollo Quad 4
see above
~ 2,500€
~ 2,000GBP
7. UAD Apollo Thunderbolt Card -,-
Thunderbold Expansion Card for
Apollo Duo or Quad. In
comparison to Firewire Thunderbolt
reduces UAD plugin latency.
~ 500€
~ 400GBP

2. UAD-2 Custom Packages

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[Pre] Eight Keyboard Shortcuts For WebOS

1. Soft Reboot

  • Hold these keys at once Orange Key + Sym Key + R

2. Make Screenshot

  • Hold these keys at once Orange Key + Sym Key + P

3. Num Lock

  • double click Orange Key

4. Caps Lock

  • double click Shift Key

5. Highlight Text

  • Hold Shift Key and mark text on screen
  • Highlighted text becomes yellow backgrounded

6. Copy Text to Clipboard

  • Highlight text as described above
  • Hold finger to the gesture area (right or left of the middle button)
  • The middle button begins to glow
  • Press C Keyon keyboard to copy

7. Cut Text to Clipboard

  • Highlight text as described above
  • Hold finger to the gesture area (right or left of the middle button)
  • The middle button begins to glow
  • Press X Key on keyboard to cut

8. Paste Text from Clipboard

  • put cursor to the place where you want text pasted
  • Hold finger to the gesture area (right or left of the middle button)
  • The middle button begins to glow
  • Press V Key on keyboard to paste