Tag Archives: netkas

[e-Biz] Psystar to challenge Apple’s legal Department


Informationweek interviewed a Psystar representative about their strategy of selling Mac Clones (see our recent articles). In short: Psystar says, the EULA (end user license agreement) – especially the parts where Apple restricts the use of OS X Leopard on Apple manufactured hardware – is in violation of U.S. monopoly laws.

» Informationweek: Psystar challenges Apple
» Incomplete-News: Psystar offers Open Pro (Mac Pro Clone)
» Psystar Corporation


Golem berichtet, dass Psystar sich offenbar mit Apple anlegen will. Die Mac Nachbauten, die Psystar anbietet (wir berichteten hier) verstoßen der Perspektive von Psystar nach auch mit vorinstalliertem OS X Leopard nicht gegen US Gesetze. Das Gegenteil sei der Fall, denn das EULA (end user license agreement) von Apple, die die Installation von OS X Leopard auf Geräten untersagt, die nicht mit dem Apple Logo ausgestattet sind, verstoße gegen US Kartellgesetze. Es bleibt spannend.

» Informationweek: Psystar fordert Apple heraus
» Incomplete-News: Psystar offers Open Pro (Mac Pro Clone)
» Psystar Corporation

[MacOS] HowTo Update to MacOS X 10.5.2

Update: 02.07.2008 Update 10.5.4 is out now, read our notes here.
Update: 01.06.2008 Update 10.5.3 is out now, read our instructions here.


As most of you know Netkas is constantly working on the EFI Emulation for standard PC-Bios based motherboards. As of now you can even use the Software Update (auto-update feature) included in Tiger or Leopard. Means: no hassle with kernel panics whatsoever – assumed you have a system which is close to Apple hardware (like Intel Core 2 Duo and Intel Chipset onboard)… But with revision 10.5.2 a minor issue occurred.

In short: don’t use auto update. Although Netkas released a tutorial which discribes a workaround I would encourage you to wait for a working solution. Chances are very high you screw up your system nevertheless – like a friend of mine did. Wait a solution will be posted here within the next few days… *erm* it took a little longer and it has been written for update 10.5.3 rather than 10.5.2 but the steps and the approach is almost the same – see here